In life, many people think that life is easy and they can just make there way through all of the bumps and cracks now problem. The truth is that life is not as many people think. It consist of many bumps in the road and can be very stressful at times. Many people strive to do good in life and be determined and self motivated to get to their goal. Many people have lost family members and other things and it's hard for them to be determined and have self motivation. This situation is very similar in the story Son of The Mob by Gordon Korman; his story suggests that when parents and other people aren't there to help, than self motivation and determination starts to become a real factor. Vince is a good kid but he has many problems with his dad …show more content…
Not much after they started dating, Vince realizes that Kendra's dad is a FBI agent that is trying to catch his father. Kendra and him get into a big fight and everything goes downhill. Vince wanted to and was willing to do anything to keep in touch with Kendra. In the story was when Vince wanted a phone from ray: “There's this girl ray. At least I think there is. I want to be able to talk to her without the FBI listening in,” (89).This shows many things about Vince. To start off it shows that Vince was willing to do anything to contact and be with Kendra. He was willing to go to Ray and ask for a phone that wasn't legal at all. Vince is a good kid and I am still surprised that he did this, he could get caught and get into even more trouble. I think it's nice that he is trying to protect his dad, but he made the wrong decision. This leads into how he was self driven and determined. Vince was determined to be with Kendra so he got the phone. Without having someone to guide you, sometimes you can make bad decisions like Vince. At least he was determined and self driven into getting and doing what he wanted. Also Vince liked Kendra so much that he wanted to always be with her. Vince was worried that his dad might get caught so he solved most of the problem by trying to stay as far away from Kendra's dad. An example of this was when Vince was thinking about Agent Bite-Me’s dinner and how he can't really do anything …show more content…
VInce has a lot to deal with during his day not including his dad. He has to deal and maintain his relationship with Kendra. Vince and Kendra have had many problems because of his dad. An example of this was in the story when vince didn't want to meet Kendra's parents because of his father's business and made a couple excuses: ” Vince are you free friday? You should come for dinner? Do we have to bring your parents into this, we have only been dating for three weeks,” (121). Vince did have the choice to be with Kendra and introduce himself to her father, but even though Vince hates his father's business, his father is still his father and deep down I know that Vince loves him even though his dad is not the most legal person. This shows how Vince is self driving because he was able to say no to Kendra because he knew that it was the right thing to do. He didn't go to any other adults for their input on the situation and really thought about what he wanted to say to Kendra even though he did want to meet her parents. I think that it shows that Vince is very self driving when he made this decision. When Kendra and Vince broke up a while after, Vince knew that he didn't do anything and wasn't even and didn't want to be involved with his father's business and wanted to show Kendra that so they could get back together and no longer have any problems. He wants Kendra
TAG believes that is what put him over the edge. There was an evolution of motive for the boys started with anger, depression, revenge and suicide.
2. Friends and family are supposed to helpful during a break up. In this movie Gary and Brooke’s friends and family were supportive and non-supportive. Brooke’s sister was her main support during the break up. Even though her brother did stop over to the condo with his singing friends, just to add fuel to the fire. Gary had his bar buddy to support him; yeah his ideas were not the greatest, when he mentioned they need to get someone neither of them knows to “handle” the problem.
She could have stopped everything from happening. She could have left Brooke’s father and got a job. She could have got all of her children out of the situation. Brooke may have very serious problems in the future and have miss-trust by her love ones. Brooke has it all to thank to her worthless and terrible mother for not stopping it in the first place. The first time that Brooke tried to tell the social worker that her father was abusing her, her mother could have had it stopped. She didn’t want to because, she didn’t want to get a job herself and make money. They solely depended on her father for income. The concept of not wanting to break up her family is very understandable, but not a good excuse if they are being violently abused. I think her mom just didn’t want to think about it all. This was the reason why they argued about it in the car on the way home from the police station. The argument in the car of the way home should have never happened. A good mother would try to fix it all. The first thing that should have happened was to leave the house and move somewhere that no one would know about. Then, the next step should have been compile all the evidence they could for the lawyer in court. I can understand why Brooke did not want to live in that house again. I don’t see how she could even when her mom and other aunt went to go to get all new things to try to mask over the truth about the house. It was a crime scene of domestic abuse and rape. I wouldn’t want to have lived in a house after I was violently raped in it. It would be too hard to have all the memoires coming back about the events. It was the cause of major psychological issues with the victim about the event, if they continued to live at the scene of the
He hates his mom because when his dad beats him his mom just doesn’t care. Peter is scared of Cole. He
to pick up the phone and call Vince. He had already called him twice in the first four days
Wes attended an all white private school called Riverdale, he struggled because he felt out of place. Eventually wes(the author) started to go to school irregularly. Wes was in a constant reminder that he was much poorer than the kids at his school. So wes would go back to his old neighborhood and hang out with his old friends instead of going to school. Wes was an all round trouble maker from; Tagging on the streets to punching his sisters Shani and Nikki. His mother Joy, finally had enough with wes getting into trouble so with the help of his grandparents she sent him to military school at Valley Forge. Wes hated the military school so much that he tried to escape multiple times. One night his Sergeant, Austin had given him a map that would help him escape and when wes tried to escape, he followed the map precisely and ended at dead end, that is when he realized the map was a fake. Wes was caught and brought back to Captain Hills office and was granted one phone call to his mother. After Wes talked to his mother wes continued to attend Valley
Yet, they were not abusive or restraining; they provided Chris with food, a roof over his head, education, opportunities for the future and they loved him despite not always sharing the same ideals. Shortly before Chris disappeared he wrote to his sister regarding his parents, “I'm going to divorce them as my parents once and for all and never speak to either of those idiots again as long as I live” (64). Chris somehow justified letting them worry about him for months not knowing whether their son was alive or dead without the decency of a single phone call. Billie expressed her frustration and heartache about never receiving even a simple phone call by leaving a note on the bus pleading with future adventurists to, “call your parents as soon as possible” (202).
Despite the tension, that may have been remaining between Heller and the surviving NWA members, Ice Cube released this statement after hearing of Heller's death,
Later that night when Blake and his brother, Quinn got home, they were greeted by an unexpected guest. It was their mom’s newest boyfriend. He stood beside their mom. Him and Blake’s mom wanted to announce something together. Quinn and Blake didn’t trust this guy and were most appalled to find out that the announcement was their mom and her boyfriend, Russ’s engagement. Quinn and Blake talked about it a little later, but only got themselves into an argument over it.
genuine love for Becky which is a sign of his increased maturity and changed attitude
However, instead of coming to a resolution, they enter the social support process by telling their friends about their problems. (This shows that Gary and Brooke lack of communication with each other and might possibly lead to a breakup.)From their conversation, we could infer the conflict management style the protagonists predominately adopt. Brooke seems to take on the competing style as she puts the blames on Gary, hoping that Gary will change and “he’s gonna come home and apologize.” Initially, Gary avoided conflict by moving into the living room. He then wilfully irritates Brooke with his behaviours, expressing his disagreement in an indirect manner that shuts down discussion. This puts them in a demand-withdrawal sequence, where Brooke makes demand on Gary to apologize, and Gary avoids it by withdrawing. As they each “punctuate” the cause of the conflict differently, they blame the other party for their behaviours. However, when Gary tries to salvage the situation, Brooke makes it difficult by embarrassing him publicly during the couple bowling competition. They even attack each other family members by using the information disclosed in their earlier stage of the relationship, thus
As the date grew closer, both myself and Steve, as well as the fans voicing their opinion on WrestleCade’s home website, Facebook, and Twitter accounts were thoroughly excited to see Justin possibly renew some old rivalries from his “extreme” days, given his history with both Dreamer and C.W. In the weeks immediately preceding the event, Justin (P.J. Polaco in his everyday life outside of the ring) had been dealt some difficult twists in the road to say the least, as his wonderful wife, Jill was diagnosed with cancer. This would be a tough enough blow for any family to take, much less one who has their personal life for the most part seen at any “curve in the road” by millions of dedicated wrestling fans on a daily basis across the internet.
Vickie Lynn Hogan grew up in a small, Texas town. She was a product of a difficult childhood due to poverty, her father leaving, and her mother having little to do with her, Feeling the pressures of poverty and the lack of love shown by her mother, Vickie eventually dropped out of school and married Billy Smith at the age of 17. As a teenager, Smith worked at a local fried chicken restaurant. A year after the nuptials, she gave birth to a baby boy by the name of Daniel for which she claims she devoted her life. The marriage to Billy was short lived, and within a year after the birth of their son, she divorced him (Anna, 2008). She was not content with small town life. Smith quoted that, "She was going to be the next Marilyn Monroe".
It was quite obvious that this was a poisonous relationship. They were eventually going to brake up. They would argue over the smallest things such ad the lemons and dishes scene. They didn’t have shared leadership. They always gender differences. For example, Brooke asks Gary to bring home twelve lemons for her since they would be having company over that night. Before the company arrives, Brooke realizes Gary had only brought home three lemons. Brooke confronts Gary, saying “you got three lemons” and Gary replies with “What my baby wants, my baby gets.” Brooke, flustered, tells Gary she asked for twelve lemons and Gary asks, “Why would you want twelve lemons?” After finding out that Brooke wanted to make a twelve lemon center piece, Gary is confused and thinks it’s, stupid because that no one would even be eating the lemons. They continue to argue about the topic because due to their differences, they feel differently about the importance of a centerpiece. The gender differences between the two do not help contribute to the problem; Gary had not listened to what Brooke asked for in the first place. If small things like this were causing a big commotion, then you can only imagine how their future would look.
Mick’s ego is what contributes to his mindless listening skills and jerk label that I snapped judged about him towards Sonya.