
Sonny's Blues Literary Analysis

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Author, James Baldwin, in his short story, Sonny’s Blues, conveys the narrator trying to help his brother Sonny after he got locked up for using and selling heroin. They fight and have arguments on Sonny’s past, present, and future. Sonny’s brother does make both just and unjust choices before and after the death of his daughter Grace. He made just choices after his daughter died he started writing to his brother, and when his brother got out he saw his brother more often, and he offered him a place to stay. Likewise, at the end when the narrator is happy with what Sonny is doing. But he also made unjust choices like when their dad died he abandoned Sonny when he needed him the most and went to the military. As well as he is upset at Sonny …show more content…

All he is trying to do is help his little brother from getting back into jail. Although sometimes they get into fights because he doesn’t understand Sonny passion for music and joining the army he later deals with it and is happy for Sonny and the man he has become.
The narrator realizes towards the end of the story how much he is separated from his African American heritage and his family. Sonny brother was mad at him for doing the drugs and didn’t trust him, and he wanted to protect him because he felt like that was his duty. The narrator throughout the story isn’t very supportive of Sonny’s ambitions. He wants Sonny to have a normal life. The narrator was being over protective of Sonny and didn’t trust him enough to become a jazz pianist. Because during that time Jazz was infested heroin users especially in Harlem. The narrator is a round character because the relationship with Sonny is in the beginning quite cold and bad. They do not know each other, and they are not interested in each other. When they meet, he was disappointed with Sonny at first due to his interest in becoming a musician. His experiences with musicians have led him to believe that they are unmotivated, drug users, seeking escape from life. He is a round character because at the end of the story he understands Sonny’s music and feeling and he starts to accept who Sonny

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