I wasn’t sure how long I had been hanging from this tree, or where Sophie was, or when I’d be able to get down. The only thing I knew was that I had regretted every wandering away from where Sophie had chosen to sleep. I looked up at my ankle that was caught in the snare, it was throbbing and the skin underneath my fur had turned a purplish color. My eyes began to itch as cries of hopelessness came from my mouth. I hoped Sophie would find me soon.
As I hung from the tree, my head aching, two bonobos approached me. A mother and her baby, the latter peering at me with wondering eyes. The mother seemed sympathetic when taking in my situation, but knew there was nothing she could do about it. I let out another cry knowing I’d probably be stuck
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I watched with worry in my eyes, hoping she would be able to get me down so we could get out of here. The whimpers coming from my mouth grew louder as pressure was put on my ankle when she tried to take hold of the rope. I knew from trying for the past minutes to climb up the rope that it would be too slippery to get a good hold on. She seemed hopeless for a minute, but then she opened her mouth and crouched down so that her mouth was near the rope. I began to feel more hopeful that we would get out of here when suddenly Sophie stopped what she was doing and began to climb further up into the trees, away from sight. I cried out in distress, my only hope had just left me!
The voices of two humans brought my attention away from the spot where Sophie just stood and over to a man and woman who were looking at me. They talked in hushed voices that I couldn’t understand. I thought they may be here to help me, when suddenly the man pulled out a shiny, metal figure and poked my hand causing pain to spread throughout it. I instantly pulled it to my chest and whimpered, trying to make the pain stop. The man and women went back to talking as I searched the trees for Sophie. Why would she abandon me like that, she was my mother! I needed her to help me get
The Winchester family, John (44), Mary (43), Dean (17), and Sam (15), have come to therapy to seek help for various issues. John and Mary are on the verge of divorce; Dean is skipping school, fighting, and shoplifting, and Sam has withdrawn completely from the family. The family was ordered to attend therapy after the Military Police (MPs) responded to a call from neighbors after an especially loud verbal altercation between John and Dean, in which John threatened to physically harm Dean if he did not leave the premises. John was order to move into the barracks and Mary is threatening to file for divorce.
the thought spun arou faster and faster untill I had to grab the near by tree to hold myself up,but my hand slpied and I hlanded with a loud thud. Sitting on the ground surrounded by the leaf litter was the runnaway slave staring wide eyed and in shock.
I come from a place of proud people and independence; a place of worn church houses and of tear stained Bibles. I come from a place of shackles and chains made of coal that held my people in slavery and subjugation; a place of used needles and broken hearts. I come from Appalachia, and I will be heard. My roots run deep within me connecting me to the mountains where I was born. In my times of trials and tribulations. I look back to my roots and the people who worked so hard to get me to where I am. I find hope In those memories, they give me the strength to persevere and work towards my goals.
Her long brown hair tied back in tight bun and brown dirty dress and matching wool jumper that is two sizes too big. She heads down towards the running creek the bank starting to flatten. Dead trees creating hurdles and the thrones pricing her numb feet. The slug becomes deeper as she get closer to the water. Animals in the night scratching and yelling, light hitting her left shoulder… ‘RUN’. The only way out is the creek and he is getting closer the water reaching her lower back sending shivers up her spine. Wading through the water she sees it. The bag and the world has gone dark again silent and serine she scrambles up the other side of the bank pulling the bag with her. A big oak fallen about 15 Meters away she knows by the unsettling silence he’s not far away. Pulling the bag on her damp back she crawls to the hollow tree and lays down behind it. She holds her breath for what feels like fifteen minutes not moving a single tired muscle in her body. After about half an hour more of twilight and damp forest floor she realises he’s given up. Not for good but defiantly for
I heard a feminine voice call out to me as I blazed out the front door. "Good morning Amber! Oh, where are you--" I cut her off with a sharp slam. I couldn't look back. With each step towards my car, I inhale painful sobs of air. I feel as if I don't know who I am, as if I was that 18 year old girl hearing the news of his death for the first time. I couldn't think of the name that belongs to me, or any one else but my father. Any face my subconscious offers had the resonance of a total stranger, then was replaced with the haunting image of
In the mountains, Kyle was shivering like crazy. An icy wind blew by him, making his teeth chatter. Myra seemed unaffected, and walked at a normal, only struggled when she hit a hard patch of ice.
In the famous words of Maya Angelou, “When you know better, you do better.” The historical course of nursing is the epitome of this statement. There are a great many things in the long history of our chosen field to be proud of ranging from the advancements made by Florence Nightingale to the support the nursing community gave to Kelly Johnson following her two-minute speech during the 2015 Miss America Pageant. With that being said, there have been a few mistakes along the way. One such mistake involves the role that the infamous Nurse Rivers played in the Tuskegee Syphilis Study.
Margot, I apologize for locking you in the closet. I was so mad at you for saying that I was wrong on how I described how I saw the Sun and that the way you remembered seeing the Sun was correct. I didn’t understand why you acted the way you did over the Sun. I am sorry that you didn’t get to see the Sun. It truly was a beautiful site to see. It was as you described. “It’s like a penny," "It’s like a fire,". I thought I remembered what the Sun looked like. I was wrong. When the sun came out I saw the Sun and what it really looked like. Margot, you were right about the Sun and I am sorry for how I treated
As I tromped through the thick woods, I got the same warmth radiating from the forest. The sunlight danced, even through the still pine needles above me. I listened, hoping to hear a crunch of a twig, or rolling of pebbles beneath Adam’s feet. Nothing. I stopped and waited, listening. Still listening, again nothing. “Adam! Adam where are you!?!” I called into the forest. My voice echoed of of the thick trunks of the trees. The feeling of panic spread throughout me. I quickened my pace, anxious to find Adam. After walking for a few minutes, I realized I had wandered farther than I ever had before. I spun around, trying to remember what direction I had come from. After debating with myself, I decided to head back downhill. Slowly going along, trying to decided if I was going the right direction, I heard a low sobbing. My first thoughts jumping to Adam, I screamed his name. With no response, I quickened my pace. I spun around and there it
All saw was a big pile of sadness. A once hopeful girl for the future is now a depressed sad girl. Margot had missed the beautiful shine and how it brings warmth to her pale skin. Margot stepped out of the closet slowly. Margot’s heart is beating as fast a cheetah. The children were scared for they did not know what Margot was going to do next. Margot moped madly. As Margot walked away she heard the thunder laughing at her. Margot started running. Then she heard the wind whispering even louder than what it was before. Margot sprinted to her bedroom. Margot immediately pounced on her bed like a predator attacking its prey. Then ZAP BANG BOW. The lightning got even louder. Margot got consumed with her sadness . Margot finally fell asleep. Margot
Throughout the story, the painting of Sophie created by Edouard holds a significant value impacting the characters lives. While in Sophie’s possession the portrait held significant value to Sophie while saying “I had brought it down from its hiding place several weeks before, telling my sister, I was damned if the Germans would decide what I should look at in my own home" (Moyes 9). From the fact, that Sophie could've hid food and other resources, instead concealing the painting. She has a profound connection to the painting as it is the last item reminding her of Edouard. Meanwhile, almost a century later, Liv Halston, a widow possesses “The Girl You Left Behind” painting, a wedding gift from her late husband. Even though, Liv’s husband passed
Julia died mid winter when the frost lay heavy on the ground. Long hours of hard work on their small farm had taken its toll and on this bitter July morning, she never opened her eyes.
Pain spread throughout my whole body as the impact of the fall left me quite disoriented. Fumbling my way through the forest, I looked for a place to hide. After a minute, I managed to conceal myself into the shrubbery surrounding a tall willow tree. Motionless yet alert, I listened to all the sounds around
Surprisingly, her strangled and dying voice managed to travel that far. I snapped my head to the door which lay open, I guess I forgot to close it last night, which I was very exhausted from, just thinking about it made the feeling creep back inside me. Pushing the warm covers off me which took some strength because I am not a morning person in the slightest bit, although my mother needs attention. Slapping my feet against the hard wood floor and dragging my hand across the wood banister not caring about the thundering noise that echoed through the house from the impact, I came to my mother's side awaiting for her directions. She is the only one that I look at with my other eyes, my coloured eyes. The eyes that have caring, sensitivity, and hope in them, no one else sees them, I find them too valuable for a stranger's soul, to easy to
Capital punishment, more commonly referred to as the death penalty, is a government sanctioned practice in which one is sentenced to death by the state as a punishment for a crime. It is often carried out in several methods ranging from lethal injection to hanging. It has been around in the United States since the early 1600s. As of 2017, 31 states in the U.S allow the death penalty whereas 19 states have abolished it. Death penalty is considered to be one of the most controversial issues in the United States. There have been several Supreme Court rulings in the past regarding the death penalty, such as Gregg v.Georgia. The death penalty is also a debatable issue in terms of how it is educated to the students since some textbooks have a biased viewpoint. The death penalty should be kept in the United States due to the fact that justice must be served for when a person commits heinous crimes such as murder.