
Sophocles 'Electra'

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When the Greek playwright Sophocles wrote Electra, one can assume he would never have anticipated that it would inspire the countless texts, plays and performances that have graced the stage.The story of Electra depicts the main heroine, Electra, and her revenge on her mother, who murdered her beloved father. This is just a sneak peak into the epic tragedy that is Electra. In fact, the story of Electra is so complicated that Sophocles would have probably enjoyed seeing someone attempt to re-create the layers of murder, intrigue and scandal that is embedded into this play. It is important to acknowledge this because it is the text in which the opera, Elektra, by Richard Strauss, is based upon. Through Elektra, Richard Strauss attempts to …show more content…

My previous knowledge of Greek tragedy prior to watching this performance shaped my perception and how I viewed some of the characters and some of the intended choices. Although, the play did not intend for me as an audience member to sympathize with Klytamnestra (the mother of Electra), I was able to because of knowing the story of Iphigenia at Aulis, and Oedipus the King previously. Furthermore, the performance most likely intended for the audience to sympathize with Electra, however the directorial choices and the acting made it hard to do so. These choices stopped me from feeling pity for her, until the text actually indicated she had been treated badly by her mother. In conclusion, seeing as I am reviewing the performance and not the text, I have to acknowledge that there could've been a clearer way to depict the relationships and the tension among each character, instead of using the text as a …show more content…

During the performance I lost interest in the beginning, but what really brought me back into the performance was the music. It was bold and beautiful at the same time. The singing was well done and the actress who played Electra, Elizabeth Blancke-Biggs sang throughout almost the entire performance which was impressive. In this performance it was clear that the objective was to highlight the music. This could be seen as rational, because a regular opera goer is expected to be wowed by the music. However, does that justify why the performance allowed the visual elements to fall so

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