
Sophocles Use Of Dramatic Irony In Oedipus The King

Decent Essays

The entire play of Oedipus Rex is structured around the idea of dramatic irony. In the case of its original incarnation, the viewers would have seen the play as one giant case of dramatic irony. Sophocles’ audience would have previously known the Oedipus story and his very name would have been synonymous with the idea of killing one’s father and marrying one’s mother. In most cases, the ancient audience would have known the ending even before the play even began. This form of dramatic irony means that even though Oedipus would talk about finding the cause of the Theban plague, the audience would know that the real cause was Oedipus himself. As a result the actual plot of the play was not the interest of most audiences. Instead, they focused on the irony and the way in which it was revealed, which could be different for each play and therefore was of great significance to the audience. …show more content…

Some are even prevalent in the connections between the background knowledge that the audience has before the play begins and actual occurrences in the play. In the case of the sphinx for instance, Oedipus solves the riddle by focusing on how time ages and weakens men but the crown of Thebes which he wins as a result causes him to be weakened in the same manner. Also, when Oedipus killed Laius at the crossroads, he felt confident that his father had been left behind in Corinth, and so he felt that he was safe in his

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