
Sophomore Personal Goals

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As a nontraditional student as well as a Sophomore my goals as well as responsibilities are different from the typical student’s. As a father of three, including a six month old balancing my professional, academic, together with my personal life has been the most challenging aspect of returning to school.

Where a regular student can afford to block off time days or weeks in advance for study or extracurricular activity I have found that flexibility is my strongest tool. There have been nights I have found myself studying for an impending test while pacing my kitchen with a crying baby in one arm and a text book in the other. Any reading assignment I can manage to listen to through audiobook is absolutely a God send, as I can complete it in the car or while packing lunches. I work two jobs on top of everything else. This semester has been my favorite in terms of schedule synchronicity. Everything is flowing in an orderly manner, I go straight from school to work taking time to study during my breaks.

I am a Navy veteran. When I complete my degree I intend to pursue a commission with the Navy as a pilot. Becoming a US Navy Pilot is intrinsically difficult while also being a respectable …show more content…

My GI Bill along with my other financial aid affords me the financial relief to do so but only just. In an ideal world, I would have another five hundred dollars a month in the budget so that I could put all of my time in school. Many are not as fortunate as I have been. I take what has been given with the sincerest gratitude. I desire to graduate with a 3.5 GPA or greater. The only impediment to this is time, there never seems to be enough time. My wife is working on a professional development plan for herself that would lead to financial relief on me. If she succeeds, I will be able to refuse more work to put more time towards my academic endeavours. My plan for success is to put in the work. I will not be

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