
Sor Juana Ines De La Cruz Analysis

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Sor Juana Ines De la Cruz was a well-known nun who gained prestige challenging the misogynistic and patriarchal male dominance in her writings. Although Sor Juana was able to take advantage of her prestige and liberation as a nun there were still obstacles that she encountered challenging the systematic oppression she, along with many woman, faced in Mexico during the 17th century. As much freedom as she enjoyed to be able to indulge in books and knowledge Sor Juana was aware of her limitations and boundaries in the misogynistic society she lived in. She understood that she faced two great limitations when it came to being a writer and speaking out against oppressive behaviors. Her two limitations were being a woman and being born out of wedlock. Rather than look at the limitations that caused Sor Juana to address issues of women being educated and having equality as submissive and passive I choose to analyze her actions as rebellion and a witty adaptation to address the issues she wanted to address all while avoiding persecution during the 17th century in Mexico. Although Sor Juana found witty ways to challenge the misogynistic structure of the church and society she was unable to escape criticisms. Sor Juana was able to find ways to challenge the status quo and argue that woman should be educated because it was necessity to life itself and to be able to understand the Bible. …show more content…

This would allow her contest against the church’s beliefs that a woman should not be educated to at least be heard and taken into consideration. Sor Juana not only addressed issues of education but also of equality amongst men and woman by using religion once again. She argued that no man nor woman should be allowed to interpret or read the Bible without being educated and therefor it was important that they mutually enlighten their

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