
Soul Food Research Paper

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Soul Food is perceived as very fattening and unhealthy. When Soul Food is made it is made with unhealthy ingredients which are high in fat and sodium that can lead to high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, and strokes. Most African Americans believe that if the food is considered “healthy” it is distasteful. Showing that the common African American diet can be healthy and delicious with the same great taste will produce a new cooking style of food that will encourage African Americans to alter their diets to take better care of themselves. It will also teach the history as to why they eat the way they do through the diets of the slaves, or foods of the black South since emancipation. The basic diet of an American American is high in undesired …show more content…

I have friends and family who suffer from diabetes and heart disease, and it's hard seeing them not care about their diets. I know they want to eat right, but it’s hard to transition from something you and your ancestors ate your entire life to something completely different. African Americans rather have seasoned food with bold flavors, but unfortunately those “bold flavors” are mostly in the foods that are not good for us. African Americans stereotyped healthy options as mostly salads, food with very low sodium and no …show more content…

I researched that sunflower oil is the best alternative to canola oil because it is high in omega-6 fatty acids and high in monosaturated fats. Omega-6 fatty acids can lower the risk of heart disease and reduces high blood pressure, while monosaturated fats lower the risk of heart disease as well. Instead of flour, I used cornmeal because it won't absorb the oil as much and it’ll make it less greasy. Corn meal is gluten free and whole grain as well which helps lower the risk of heart disease, T2 diabetes, and obesity. The result I wanted is to have the chicken be flavorful and the skin crunchy, but not

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