
South American Colonialsim Essay

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South American Colonialsim

South America is a primary example of a setting in which colonialism led to the infusion of two distinct cultures, becoming one through time. The potential of economically valuable areas lead colonizers to become intertwined with the culture of indigenous populations in South America. The Spanish first came to South America in search of gold and later with hopes of taking advantage of the natural resources again through the rubber industry. As the transformational period of colonization took place, two cultures came in contact. They both perceived their cultures as distinct and separate entities, complete cultural opposites with distinctly different lifestyles of subsistence. Both began contact with …show more content…

In addition to this process of syncretism, both of these cultures became stronger, more diversified and open to new ideas. Due to similar preexisting beliefs, the Natives largely openly accepted Catholicism. Catholicism was accepted by indigenous people into their culture and the transition in religion was not very difficult for them to accept. "Catholicism embodied a rich pageantry and complex ceremonial cycle. It offered roles to men and women, young and old. Its priests believing in the devil, spirits and magic, could deal with the older religion in ways that Meso-American people could squarely comprehend. And Catholicism provided, in its multiple manifestations of the Virgin and Trinity, both an approximation of multiple deities and physical object for veneration"(Kessing, 394). This was very similar to the practices of their native religion and allowed them to perceive the spirit in much the same way as they already had been without devaluing the lasting elements of their own religion. One of the most important examples of syncretism in South America is through the examples provided from hallucinogenic trances, via the intake of yage. Shamans utilized this during their curing rituals. The images developed from the trances have been recounted to show images that represent a blending of traditional indigenous beliefs with that of Christian beliefs. A visionary example of this is seen in the visions of a shaman as a tiger and of people

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