
Southern Slavery Issue

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During the nineteenth century in America the issue of slavery became a huge ordeal between many groups of people. In the South this issue was more prominent than in the North due to many factors, which included the economy, way of life, and beliefs of southern whites. The need for slaves increased after the invention of the cotton gin so slaves were high in demand for processing cotton. In the South, the economical system revolved around the use of slaves due to the strong agricultural economy that had been formed. Justifications such as the use of the Gospel, and examining how slavery helped to boost the economy gave the whites all the reason more to keep slavery around. Slavery was a way of life for many generations and it had no signs of changing no matter how bad the North pushed the issue that slavery was wrong. …show more content…

However, these narratives had little to no effect in the South, but only in the North because they felt that slavery was a wrongdoing in human society. Violence played a huge role in the slave world, because the masters used this as a control mechanism to get their slaves to do as they instructed them to do. Many slaves had different reactions when it came to these issues, and each slave had a justified reason and believed it was the right thing for them to do. Also some of the white women on the plantations helped to better the lives of some slaves when the abuse got out of control. There were also believers in the South that slavery was a horrible thing. People in this time period had different reactions to slavery and everything related to it. When it came to maintaining slavery the use of violence and physical, emotional, and sexual abuse were the key factors in why the whites were successful in keeping slavery around for as long as they

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