
Sox10 Lab Report

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Mutations on Sox10 gene has been reported affecting plumage color (chicken [55] and pigeon[56]) and abnormal pigmentation of skin and hair color (human[57,58] and mouse[59,60]). Gunnarsson et al. [55] mentioned that 8.3-kb deletion upstream of the Sox10 transcription start site leads to reduced Sox10 expression which in turn down-regulates expression of key enzymes in pigment synthesis such as tyrosinase. Lower tyrosinase activity leads to a shift toward a more pheomelanistic (reddish) in chicken plumage color, which is the characteristic feature of the dark brown phenotype. Several autosomal mutation sites on pigeon Sox10 coding region also significantly lowering thyrosinase synthesis which eventually affecting plumage color changes in …show more content…

SOX10 mutation was also suspected involved in Kallmann syndrome (KS). KS is defined by the association between anosmia and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism due to incomplete migration of neuroendocrine gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) cells along the olfactory, vomeronasal, and terminal nerves. Hipogonadism in some case of KS followed by delayed on spontaneous puberty [61]. Other research conducted by Dravis et al. [62] shows that there were significant reductions on important reproductive hormone expression. Notably, ErbB2 and the estrogen and progesterone hormone receptors all showed reduced expression levels following Sox10 mutation overexpression. Sox10 is preferentially expressed in triple-negative state of breast cancers that lack these three …show more content…

Many researcher reported sexual maturity traits that affecting egg production are : age at sexual maturity, egg weight at sexual maturity and bodyweight at sexual maturity [63-66]. Cherry and Morris [6] stated that restricted growth delays physiological development, measured in terms of bone and feather growth, behavior and sexual maturity. The potential for further growth remains until development of the ovary has commenced, at which point sexual development takes priority and the capacity for further growth appears to be lost. Post-mortem examination of birds at sexual maturity and at the conclusion of lay confirms that internal organization of ova is affected by growth to sexual maturity [6]. In egg type and poultry breeder too early or late onset of sexual maturity were never been expected and affecting total egg number or production thus always been avoided from economical perspective [67]. Too early of onset maturity will lead to smaller egg size, more egg number but less total egg weight during production periods due to smaller pullet body weight and frame size, while late onset of sexual maturity will lead to bigger egg size

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