
Soy Lecithin, High Ascorbic Acid Affect The Body?

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Soy Lecithin, High Oleic Sunflower oil, Ascorbic acid, Di-alpha – Tocopheroyl Acetate and Invert sugars are just some of the strange unfamiliar ingredients, in the very familiar granola bar. Foods today are packed full with confusing ingredients that the average person has never heard of. Some of these mystery ingredients can be very harmful to those who ingest them. Companies try to make clear what is in their products by using nutrition labels, but wouldn’t it be great if they explained the effects of all these chemicals on the body. In this essay I will shine light on just some of the mysterious ingredients in everyday food starting with Soy Lecithin. Soy Lecithin is a combination of Phospholipids and oil. It is derived primarily from …show more content…

Trans fats provided a longer shelf life for food, but people didn’t want their health to deteriorate just so companies could keep their product on shelves for a couple extra months. That’s when High Oleic Sunflower oil was created by using hybridizing techniques such as radiation and mutagenesis to make the oil more heat stable. High Oleic oil is known to be harmful to people with pre-existing conditions like heart disease and diabetes. It can also be dangerous to people with allergies in the Sunflower family like Marigolds and …show more content…

Invert sugar is also known as artificial honey as it is a component of honey and maple syrup. It is a form of high fructose corn syrup and doctors advise people to eat small amounts of it because of the health risks involved in eating too much. Some of the health risks are diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. There have been many people trying to get High fructose corn syrups banned from food because of its unhealthy nature. Michelle Obama has made a big impact in limiting the use of High fructose corn syrup by influencing companies such as chick-fil-a and Pepsi to stop using

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