In this study, accuracy assessment was based on the calculation of the overall accuracy, user’s accuracy, producer’s accuracy, and the Kappa index. The Kappa index is the proportion of perfectly classified validation points after random agreements are removed and it states the degree to which the confusion matrix results are not gained by chance.
These 16 features included 12 features calculated based on the 6 multispectral bands, which is mean value and standard deviation of these bands. In addition, we chose intensity, texture-variance, texture-mean, and NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) for classifications. Finally, training samples were selected for each classification category based on the previously segmented and merged objects
Outcome measures assess whether the interventions to improve medication safety practice will be successful. During the interview of the new employee, competency evaluation related to medication administration will be applied first. In addition, during the orientation for these new employees, adequate training will be provided to ensure the importance of preventing medication errors. They will be given a list of similar and look-alike medications and will focus on medications that cause the most adverse reactions when errors may occur. Then, after training and when staff start working, they will be supervised during their first few months. When they are not supervised, they will be assessed and evaluated for any errors. During this process,
For this task, I am going to explain how two national initiatives promote anti-discriminatory practice.
There are various types of equipment that the company should look for when considering this network. The first item to look at when considering equipment is the Operating system and software that we would need. Next, the group took into consideration the type of server the company needs to make this network a reality. Another thing that we looked at is the possibility of having ThinClients over regular desktops for all workstations. Of course, it was taken into consideration that some employees would not want ThinClients. So, we show the type of tower we plan to place into those spaces, along with any peripheral device for both. Then, we will look at the network devices that will go into each building that include switches, routers, repeaters, hubs, and wireless access points. Finally, the group will note guidelines for choosing a local ISP at each site. Each Item outlined helps to build a network based on the specifications given by the company.
From the resultant vector matrix, it can be decipered that the final rankings are: team ■(C@D), H, E, A, J, B, ■(F@G) and I. The ultimate results of the competition were fairly different to those predicted, including various exact placement.
I love complex problems and making products/services easier to use. I’m looking for UX Research or Design opportunities in the Richmond, VA area or remote work.
See you sitting in class reading a book that's so boring you want to die well I have a solution it is a boring book reader 5000 this device reads the book puts the information in a summary and gives important events in the story this product can help give essay topics help answer questions and give a summary to copy down.
When starting to look at secondary data for my computer and software business, the first option would be to look at the Census Bureau to see the demographics of the area. I’d want to research the potential customer base in depth. Is there a part of town where there are people with an income bracket that would allow for more than one computer in the home? Typically, customers will make additional purchases of items, like computers, from the same store that they purchased the first one from, if they had a positive experience.
Hey guys, my name’s Zoe Davis, and I was born in Somerset, Kentucky, but we live in Wayne County. (Basically everybody in Wayne County was born in Somerset. Wayne County’s hospital…eesh.) I was born in 1998, so I’m turning 18 this year, in April. My parents are Danny and Vicki Davis, and I have two brothers named Brandon and Nikolas. Brandon got married in 2014 to my sister-in-law Kelsey, and Nikolas is starting eighth grade next school year. (No children, but I have a dog and a bunch of half-wild cats.)
There are many reasons a person could choose to stop therapy and stop attending sessions. However, I would be concerned about Jan like I would be with all my clients. It would be nice and considerate for Jan to at least answer or return your phone call to let you know she is oaky. Jan could have become worse or even started feeling better, we cannot say with not information or evidence to back the theories up. I would contact someone on her medical chart to check on her and to see if she is okay. I would not revile any information just ask if she could please return my phone call. I would also send Jan out a letter expressing I am thinking about her and care about her and her well being. Maybe this will make Jan interact with me once again.
Images were analyzed in GIS to identify and map features such as woody debris, rock outcroppings, shifting versus stable sand, and smooth limestone bottom.
Explain the roles and responsibilities for Health and Safety of key personnel in a selected workplace (P3)
Instead, catalogers must use other assessment methods. For instance, Bruce and Hillman assess quality metadata through a seven layer framework: completeness, accuracy, provenance, conformance to expectations, logical consistency and coherence, timeliness, and accessibility (David & Thomas, 2015). A different proposal from Stvilia and Gasser (2008) propose a system of assessment that analyzes metadata records both empirically and analytically. This allows records to have sound metadata quality, but does not require a quality above what is functional for a record. Zschocke and Beniest (2011) advocate a quality assurance method that utilizes peer-review and automation to check metadata while it is being created.
Coastal areas provide livelihood facilities to many and also offer vast recreational and economic activities, and yet, at the same time, such eco-regions require to be managed with special emphasis and consideration of its natural and cultural resources. Land cover classification of such diverse sea-land regions requires a high level of effort and plays a vital role for the analysis of time-based or event-based change on certain areas. For effective utilization of remote sensed images obtained from Earth-orbiting satellites, a lot of image classification methods are available in literature. In this paper, we use the method of unsupervised classification for the users ' convenience and flexibility, low computational requirements and moderate classification accuracy. The objectives of the paper is to classify the land cover by mapping the region into W-S-V (Water, Soil, Vegetation) components using the unsupervised K-means algorithm, to obtain land- use/cover gray scale image combining the W-S-V components and thereby finally deriving the related performance metrics such as histogram and land cover correlation.
There are two factors that determine the appropriate validation assessment rating or assessment statistics. Firstly the target measurement scale and secondly the prediction type. For a binary target with a primary outcome(target=1) and secondary outcome(target=0) there are three types of prediction types a.) decisions b.) ranking and c.) estimates. When the prediction type is decision for a binary target, it works to match the primary decision with the primary outcome yielding a correct decision called as true positive and matches the secondary decision with the secondary outcome yielding a correct decision called as true negative. In this case the decision predictions are rated by their accuracy in other words in order to maximize accuracy there should be agreement between the outcome and prediction. Also, when the secondary decision mismatches with the primary outcome it yields an incorrect decision called as false negative. Similarly, when primary decision mismatches with secondary outcome it yields an incorrect decision called as false positive. In this case the decision predictions can be rated by their misclassification rate wherein to minimize misclassification there should be very less disagreement between the actual outcome and predictions. In ranking predictions, the cases are ranked based on their likelihood of being a primary or secondary outcome. When the primary and secondary cases are
Cost effective methods are necessary for broad-scale regular assessment of forest vigour cover complex terrain. Satellite derived vegetation indices such as NDVI can monitor large remote areas with an effective database for evaluating vegetation vigour. The value of NDVI varies from +1 to -1. The values nearer to +1 indicate dense vegetation and the values approximate to -1 indicates water bodies. The high percentages of spectral variance in individual scenes can be explained using TCT (Huang et al., 2002). The TCT greenness and wetness bands have a strong correlation to the percentage of vegetation cover. The greenness feature measures the presence and density of green vegetation (Crist et al., 1986).