The purpose of this study was to learn about how students process numbers and quantities. At the start of the experiment, the student researcher asked me to familiarize myself with the experimental set-up by doing a few trial runs. I was asked to press the spacebar every time something appeared on the screen. Then, for the actual experiment, I was instructed to stare at a fixation point while resting my chin on a chinrest. On either side of the fixation point was a small circle. I was told that a number may or may not appear on the screen, but if one does appear, I was told to just ignore it. Then, one of the dots may suddenly be filled in. If and ONLY if a circle is filled in, we were asked to immediately press the spacebar. If no circles were filled in, we were not supposed to press the spacebar. We had to repeat this …show more content…
I don’t know how this study relates to math education because I felt like I was just instructed to press the spacebar each time I saw one of the circles filled in. Sometimes there would be numbers that appeared above the fixation point and sometimes there was nothing. The reason I am confused is because the researcher told me to ignore any numbers that may appear on the screen, so if they don’t serve a direct purpose, I wonder why they are included. Perhaps the researchers want to see if our reaction time is any different when comparing trials that flashed a number versus trials that did not. The task reminded me of the Go/No-Go experimental paradigm, which I learned in Ed Psych 326 in terms of cognitive control (inhibition) abilities. It may be true that people respond differently to such tasks when cued with a number (maybe more/fewer false alarms). Besides cognitive control (topic in Ed Psych 326), I cannot really find any connections to theories discussed in Ed Psych 301. I am interested in learning about how this particular experiment is related to mathematics
There is also another interesting finding concerning students’ performance in Task 2B (bead pattern A-B-C) and Task 2D (bead pattern A-A-B-B-B). According to our design estimation, the pattern A-B-C was considered of lower difficulty level. Surprisingly, Task 2D appeared to be easier for the participants than Task 2B.
The author explains how many students, especially those in the focused-upon second grade class, have difficulty explaining their “mathematical thinking process”. While they may provide correct answers using memorized calculations, they are unable to demonstrate their conceptual understandings or explain how they achieved the right results. As stated by the researcher, “it is important for students to be able to demonstrate their mathematical thinking as well as their method of solving a problem” (Kostos & Shin, 2010, p.223).
One learner was working one to one with a staff member who was administering and taking date on discrete trials. The staff member would present stimuli, in this case it was a math equation, the learner made a response, and depending on whether or not the response was correct the learner would receive verbal praise or an error correction procedure was implemented. While observing this particular student it was
Participants were led to an isolated lab room were they participated in a task-switching experiment. They were involved in 2 tasks a magnitude test and an odd even task. There was 100 randomly assigned trials 50% task-switch and 50% task-repeat that were completed by the participants. There were different type keys presented to the participants such as: z for an odd number, x for an even number, m for a number (>) than 5,
This experiment is used to see if a child understands that the amount of a substance remains the same even when the shape is changed. The experiment will show if size influences them in their decisions. This experiment will also show if they have the ability yet to think backwards from one shape back to the other.
In experiment 1, participants were instructed to press a key to determine if the stimulus was red, blue, yellow, or green. On the second half of the experiment, the stimulus appeared in grey with only one colored letter which was positioned randomly. Error rates for the experiment were below 2.5% for each condition, which is quite low. Experiment 2 was the same as experiment 1 except that there were 114 data collections instead of 288 and there were 36 practice trials instead of 72. According to experiment 1 and 2 it is suggested that the effect of
The experiment was carried out by 40 males between the ages of 20 and 50. They drew straws to be placed into two separate groups, “learners”or ”teachers”. The learners had to go into a separate and sit in an electric chair and answer and then answer a series of questions.The teachers were then instructed to ask the learner a series of questions and if they answer incorrectly they will receive an electric shock from the chair. For each question answered incorrectly the teacher raises
These individuals believed in the idea of psychic staring. They were each tested separately in rooms with one way mirrors. They were then asked to sit with their backs to the mirror. All participants in the experiment were given the “first 12 sequences in the same order and there were twenty trials in each sequence”. (Marks and Colwell). At the beginning and end of each trial the conductor would signal to the staree. The stare would then indicate if they had felt that they were being stared at by pushing one of two buttons. For the first three sessions or sixty trials there was no feedback given. After which on the remaining 180 trials one was given a response of correct or incorrect after each word. In table one which I included
We are replicating J.R. Stroop’s original experiment The Stroop Effect (Stroop, 1935). The aim of the study was to understand how automatic processing interferes with attempts to attend to sensory information. The independent variable of our experiment was the three conditions, the congruent words, the incongruent words, and the colored squares, and the dependent variable was the time that it took participants to state the ink color of the list of words in each condition. We used repeated measures for the experiment in order to avoid influence of extraneous variables. The participants were 16-17 years of age from Garland High School. The participants will be timed on how long it takes them to say the color of the squares and the color of the words. The research was conducted in the Math Studies class. The participants were aged 16-17 and were students at Garland High School. The results showed that participants took the most time with the incongruent words.
The study of interference in serial verbal reactions was coined by J.R Stroop and published as a journal of social psychology in 1935. The investigation focused on the interaction of stimuli and the effects on verbal reactions. The psychologists argued that interference of certain stimuli may affect the ease and convenience in performing verbal tasks. This simply means that interaction between certain counteracting stimuli may affect identification and interpretation of related and sequential verbal expected reactions. The most used concept in the experiment is the color stimuli. The authors exposed some students used as study subjects to certain color were evident that there were some difficulties in reading the colors, especially
The experiment consisted of 6 trials that contained words such as: sleep, bed, tired etc. The participants were asked to look at the rectangle on the screen before starting the trials. In the first trial, the participants were asked to press the “start trial” button because a fixation dot would appear in the middle of the screen. The participants were asked to stare at the computer until a sequence of words appeared, with each word was presented for one second. After a full sequence was presented, a set of buttons were shown, each labeled with a word. Some the words were on the list, and some were not. The participant’s task was to click or tap on the buttons to indicate which words were in the sequence. The sequence of words consisted of the actual words shown or related or unrelated words. For example, some trials consisted of all sleep related content to see if the participant would select items that were related or select items that were not in the sequence. After identifying the words that were shown in the sequence, they would receive feedback on the accuracy of their memory. After the participants were done
Participants could not correct mistakes in button presses. The experiment included two types of trials: some trials had an irrelevant speech background (a passage from Franz Kafka in German) and some had a quiet background. The order of background conditions Participants completed two blocks. Each block contained 30 trials.
Then the participants and confederates were escorted to their testing cubicles. The experiment included a learning phase and two testing phases. The participants were shown and had to study twenty in-group (their ethnic group) or twenty out-group (different ethnic group) faces in the learning phase. Each face was shown for five seconds. After the learning phase, participants completed a memory test. The memory test included twenty new faces and twenty faces from the learning phase. The participant had to then decide if the face was an old or new face. After the first memory test, the participants then answered the following question: “How confident are you in your decision?” by clicking one of six boxes from fifty to one hundred percent. At the end of the task, the participants were distracted with a crossword puzzle. The experiment took the participants answer sheet and filled it out with the confederates answers. On the answer sheet, the confederate provided the opposite answer of the participant to ten faces and the others were marked as they both agreed on the same
Multiplication by ten gives students opportunity to explore larger numbers, and can also be extended on(Reys et al. ch. 11.4). In addition, multiples of 10 give students the knowledge that all digits move left one place and an additional place hundreths. This concept can be used to introduce the decimal place which is also moving place each time something is multiplied by tens. Exposing students to a range of examples which displays patterns that occur when multiplying by tens and hundreths will generate meaning of digits moving place (Reys et al., ch. 11.4).
Numerosity Perception is defined as the way that we, as humans, can perceive numbers. This particular way that we perceive numbers is nonverbal, and even infants can even have numerosity perception. This is because there is no communication involved in being able to differentiate between certain quantities. By testing the numerosity perception in infants, you can determine how well they will do in mathematics in their education. The way that we can test this in humans is by a dot test. A dot test is when response time and accuracy are measured to see how many dots people perceive to be on a screen, (normally for 150ms.). While measuring the variable in this test, psychologists were able to see that numerosity perception activates the parietal