
Spanish Armada Dbq Essay

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“If ever any person had either the gift or the style to win the hearts of people, it was this Queen, and if she did express the same it was at that present, in coupling mildness with majesty as she did, and in stately stooping to the meanest sort”(Elizabeth I Accession). Politically, Elizabeth I kept the the government of England stable, and protected England from invasion, most famously the Spanish Armada. Elizabeth brought people together under one protestant church, and largely the people got along and agreed with Elizabeth. She was liked by the people for her character and talent for speech making. When Elizabeth inherited the throne, England economy was in ruins, but shortly thereafter she turned the economy around, finances improved and the lives of the general public were better. Elizabeth brough Protestantism back to England and allowed to Catholics to keep their personal beliefs hidden. Many questioned Elizabeth's ability to govern because of her gender, but others support her, and she has address the people's concerns but promises them that her gender is irrelevant …show more content…

Her most famous success story is the Spanish Armada. Phillip’s plan was to “win control of the English Channel, to rendezvous with the Duke of Parma off the coast of Holland, and to transport Parma’s army of some 30,000 men from the Netherlands across the Channel”(Doc 7). Elizabeth made a two step assault that first trapped Medina Sidonia in Calais Roads, where Parma could not join him for fear of the Dutch. Then, she sent fire ships in disguised as bomb-ships, which are deadly, and successfully confused the Spanish ships and forced them to flee. Finally, at the battle off Gravelines, the English used long-range guns to win. From this battle England gained prestige. The Spanish Armada proves that Elizabeth was a capable ruler who understood military strategy and the importance of protecting her country and

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