On one side of the debate, claims spanking promotes violence and aggressive behavior which your child will mimicking the same behavior causing the chain of violence to continue to grow. There are some claims that spanking your child can result in depression, low self-esteem, slowing cognitive development and learning. Physical punishment can work momentarily because children are afraid of being spanked, but may not work in the long term. Knowing whether to use negative or positive reinforcement techniques should be left up to the parents. I remember there was a protest dealing with one of the young black man that had been killed by police, and a mother took physical action to her son making him go home, the media and everyone concern applaud
The main reason that parents use spanking as a discipline technique is because it is what they received when they were children. However, in many cases spanking has nothing to do with helping the child. It is used as a quick solution to stop negative behavior with no real regard for the long-term outcome. Parents often spank their children because they themselves are angry. These parents simply cannot handle a situation and take it out on their child. Spanking might be more accepted if it was the only, or the most successful, form of discipline, but it is not. Spanking is simply a short-term fix of a child 's discipline problems. Two of the widely used alternatives to spanking are the time-out and restriction punishments. Time-out is most effective when administered to children under ten years of age, and a restriction mostly benefits children over ten years old. Both of these methods, while effective, also have a positive influence on the child, they teach the child discipline without the use of force, help the child
Based on the many of the online articles and journals from different academic sources like the oxford journal, the Department of Human Development and Family Sciences I have read personally, I am confident that the damaging effects of spanking outweigh the positives. 4. I’ll be covering how Spanking children should be against the law in the USA because of the harmful effects it has on a child’s development, self-image, and there are better
Parents want to teach their children to get along, follow the rules, be respectful to others and have a sense of self control.(Judith Graham)These values are important to many parents. If in fact spanking can be damaging to children and the relationship between parents and their children, then spanking has to be the least effective form of discipline and character building a parent can use(Kangas). Many experts say that spanking has a lot of problems that it can cause kids later down the road, such as aggression, cognitive problems and the ability to speak with adults
Spanking your child has created a firestorm of debate among parents and non-parents alike. There appears to be only two sides to the argument, those for and those against. Each offers evidence to support their case, and both sides are fervent in there beliefs. There are many parenting books, classes, and articles on the internet to help people through the process of becoming a parent. Each has there own take on discipline, but most I have read are against spanking.
The more a child is spanked between the ages of 3 to 5 the more likely they will become aggressive (Online Psychology). Spanking can cause mental health problems and can have anti-social behavioral issues. Children that get spanked tend to defy their parents and have cognitive difficulties. When parents spank they think it is to help their child now what is right and wrong, but spanking has accidental detrimental outcomes. You don’t have to hurt a child to punish them, in 2014 about 80% of people spanked their kids. If the parent was spanked as a child the parent is more likely to support spanking
Spanking or inflicting a child may cause aggression in children. Spanking at the ages 10 months and 5 years is common in 70% of American family’s although according some researchers that corporal punishment can affect the ability to function and acceptance of values. Spanking at an early age can do more harm than good. Studies show that children who gets spanked are more likely to get violent in adult hood. Most children develop between the age of 3 months and 5 years old if corporal punishment action is used it can make the child less aware and can cause problem in education for teachers and authority.
Every parent must undergo the question of how to properly discipline their child. Everyone has a different idea of what is “okay” and what is not. Many parents turn to different articles and try a variation of ideas. Spanking is a form of punishment that people have very strong opinions about. Whether people are for or against spanking, there is always reasoning behind this their thoughts and values.
Chapter eight of “Essentials of American Government Roots and Reform” describes the federal bureaucracy and its function within the federal government. The book defines the federal bureaucracy as “the thousands of federal government agencies and institutions that implement and administer federal laws and programs.” I argue that while the federal bureaucracy is necessary for some functions, in other ways it has grown too large and burdensome, and the individual agencies’ function and power should be narrowed and reduced.
Spanking is the act of striking child with open hand, belt, paddle or swish. It is a common form of punishment especially among children. Spanking is a controversial with some researchers maintaining that it is helpful and making spanking not abusive. Spanking assist parents to exercise authority over the child, once spanked a child understand whatever they have done was wrong and not to repeat it again. (Riffe 2011) Children are also able to understand the required norms of the society once they grow up. Other saying that research shows that spanking makes a child aggressive and develops a poor relationship between parents and their child. (Gershoff, 2002)
Even after years of research, the issue of whether spanking is an adequate discipline strategy or damaging to children remains a controversial topic. According to Kazdin and Benjet (2003) the definition of spanking is “. . . hitting a child with an open hand on the buttocks or extremities with the intent to discipline without leaving a bruise or causing physical harm (p. 100). In addition, according to Maguire-Jack, Gromoske and Berger (2012) only a few studies propose that spanking is an effective form of discipline. On the other hand, there is more evidence to show that spanking is an unsuccessful form of discipline that can led to unwanted consequences (p. 1960). I personally do not take a stance in this topic because I can see valid points from both parties. Although, I believe that the way the punishment is presented to the child is extremely important. For example, I feel that the child should know why he or she is punished and what is expected of them thereafter.
Some parents think spanking a child is abuse when the parent hits a child for something he or she has done wrong like talking back to the parents. However, there are many parents who call it discipline. While some parents say it is a form of child abuse when children are spanked. Some caretakers never spank or hit children in their care as a means of discipline. Some parents are unaware of the types of problems they expose their children to if they hit them in order to discipline.
Spanking has become an arguably debatable form of discipline. According to a study at the University of Texas, the more children are spanked, the more likely they are to defy their parents (“Spanking: Pros and Cons”). There is a connection between spanking during the childhood and mental health diagnoses later in life. There are other options of discipling your child than spanking them, especially because all children can take spanking differently. Parents should not spank their child because it showers that being “stronger” is right, demonstrates that older people have a right to hit younger people, and gives the examples that violence solves all problems.
Spanking also effects a child emotionally. Think of a child looking up at this huge person hitting them. This could cause the child to feel inferior. In the long run, the child could develop insecurities. Spanking could also teach a child to lie. Why would a child confess to something if they knew that their punishment would be something that will cause them pain? A child's self esteem could be lowered by spanking as well. They may feel that when they are being spanked that the parent is telling them that they are a bad person and this can stay with them throughout their life. "Kids who receive a lot of physical punishment are less spontaneous, more reserved, and afraid to try
Spanking can change the child’s behavior. Spanking a child causes aggression among children. “A 2002 meta-analysis of 27 studies across time periods, countries, and ages found a persistent association: children who are spanked regularly are more likely to be aggressive, both as a child and as an adult.” If a parent spanks or hits the child regularly it may also develop a distant relationship between the parent and child. Many children grow up learning right from wrong, but as kids we still don’t listen. Parents spank their kids to stop that bad behavior. So, if we keep
Firstly, this essay will examine the fundamental concept of gender. According to West and Zimmerman (1987), the concept of doing gender is all about the routine people accomplish in their everyday lives. However, gender is not about what a person is, but it is something a person does in the process of interacting with others. West and Zimmerman (1987) argue that gender is something we do everyday, all the time, and it is an ongoing activity, so we cannot stop doing it. However, people do gender knowing that they will judge by other. By this they have been held accountable for their gender performances. Deutsch (2007) mentioned that doing gender has had an impact on the study of gender relations. However, this concept has social interactions