
Sparta And Athens Geography Essay

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During the development of ancient civilizations, such as Sparta and Athens, geography was an important factor which influenced how the civilizations were developed, what the civilization’s resources were, and the affects geography has on the differences between each area. Geography is extremely important to all areas in different ways. For example, geography can affect an area drastically, whether a country has sea, mountains, or rich farming land, each area is different. For example, Athens and Sparta were two areas that were drastically different. The two differed greatly due to isolation because of the tall mountains that were difficult to communicate over. Because it was difficult to communicate and travel due to the mountains, each civilization …show more content…

For example living in Sparta becoming a farmer is much more likely then living in Athens and becoming a farmer due to the differences in there soil. All areas around the world had specific characteristics that influenced their civilizations, for example the Peninsula of Greece. Greece had two distinguishing characteristics that influenced how the area began: easy access to water and a very mountainous region. Being very close to the water, Greece was able to trade with their neighbors. Also because Greece was so close to water, the land contained many islands, harbors, and rivers. Since the people of Greece had easy access to water, it was more likely for them to become traders and explorers then in other places that were not located near a sea. Also because eighty percent of Greece was mountainous, it was strongly affected by the mountains. For example, the development of the Polis, also known as a city-state, was due to the mountains. Also, the very tall mountains made it strenuous to travel and hard to communicate. Because of this, each city-state was not only the basis for how people organized themselves but also created very different civilizations due to the isolation, like Athens and Sparta. The geography of an area affects how it is developed and also

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