
Sparta Totalitarianism Essay

Decent Essays

There are many similarities in Spartan’s way of life and how Totalitarian nations acted. Sparta was a militaristic society. Fitness was a top priority and this needed to be proved even as infants. All Spartan children were placed in a military style education program from a young age. Hazing and fighting were encouraged among children. All men in Sparta were expected to be lifelong solders. Men in Sparta were not allowed to live with their wives until age thirty. If you were to surrender in battle it was considered and ultimate disgrace. While in the camps food was intentionally kept scarce and poor fitness was not accepted.
Totalitarianism refers to an authoritarian political system of state that regulates and controls nearly every aspect of public and private sectors (cite). Regimes in these kinds of nations usually promise wealth and glory and a wonderful future to a population frustrated in their world. They believe that people are too soft, and too selfish to sacrifice for a higher cause. In Sparta it was essential that you dedicated yourself to the best of the city. That was mainly the purpose for Spartan citizens to serve. Totalitarianism was a force in Sparta. It was a war like state for several centuries until the rise of Alexander the Great in 336 B.C. The education system in …show more content…

In Sparta the citizens served the state not the other way around. Spartans really had no choice in what they were going to do. From the time of birth everything was already decided for them. The citizens were taught that bravery and strength were the most important qualities they should have. In a totalitarian government all aspects of society are controlled. Sparta had three groups of people. The slaves who were the ones that did all the work, Spartan females who were taught to be fit and be patriotic. Last were the Spartan males who were taught to fight and to aspire to be the perfect

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