
Sparta Vs Athens Essay

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In the years of 600 B.C.E., the Greek city-states Sparta and Athens flourished. Although they existed around the same period of time, they differed in several different ways. These differences include government, education, roles for men and women, and home life. While taking all of these differences into consideration, Athens is considered to have been more advanced than Sparta for several different reasons. Government in Athens was contrasted very much from the government in Sparta. The form of government that was used in Athens was a democracy. A democracy is when the citizens get to vote for their leader. Athens was very inclusive in the process of making decisions for the city-state by giving each male citizen of the top three social …show more content…

In Athens, art and literature was taught to and valued by Athenian citizens. The sons of wealthy families were sent to receive an education by the age of seven. Here, they studied reading, grammar, history, music, mathematics, and poetry. They were also trained in public speaking and logic, since they are expected as citizens to participate in debate issues. Athenian women received no form of education, and were expected to stay out of sight and raise children. Grown women had the duty of teaching younger girls to cook meals, weave cloth, and other skills that would be useful to help them become good wives and mothers. Spartans also did not receive any form of education. They did not value literature, music, or art. Instead, they valued duty, strength, discipline over freedom, beauty, learning, and individuality. Spartan citizens were expected to hold loyalty and protection of Sparta over everything, including the love and protection of family. Male Spartan citizens were to move into the army barracks by the age of seven, and receive training there upon the age of thirty. They would spend their years exercising, marching, and fighting. After reaching age thirty, they are expected to serve in the military until they reach the age of sixty. Spartan girls also received some military training, but unlike boys, had the freedom of running, wrestling, and playing sports. Spartan women had a considerable amount

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