
Spartacat Research Paper

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Spartacat for Mascot Hall of Fame
Mascot: a person, animal, or object adopted by a group as a symbolic figure, especially to bring them good luck (“Mascot”). Spartacat is a hockey mascot for the Ottawa Senators, and should be inducted in the mascot hall of fame. Something to know about Spartacat is that he not only has an effect on his team, but the whole entire community. It’s important for Spartacat to be in the hall of fame because he will bring an astounding amount of joy and fun to the museum. He is a very energetic and approachable mascot who will make going to the mascot hall of fame an enjoyable experience. On the other hand, some people argue that lions are dangerous and Spartacat wouldn’t be the best idol for kids however, Spartacat should be in the mascot hall of fame because he impacts the hockey games for the Ottawa Senators, teaches kids to skate, interacts with other mascots, he volunteers his time at schools, and there isn’t any other lion mascot that looks like Spartacat
The first reason why Spartacat should be in the mascot hall of fame is because he dramatically impacts the home games for the Ottawa Senators. As a general rule, mascots should have a huge impact on their sport. “Spartacat is seen at every Sens home game dancing, cheering, and pumping-up the crowd” (About). When Spartacat gets the crowd pumped up, the players …show more content…

Generally speaking, excellent mascots have fun, memorable, and unique designs. To illustrate this, an article states that he serves as an ode to Roman history (Smith). It’s very rare that a mascot will have a culture to express during sports. Another article states, “Spartacat looks friendly, yet unpredictable, two positive mascot characteristics. He’s not perfect, but he sticks out” (Boylen). It’s important for mascots to be approachable and someone the fans will remember from years on

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