
Spartan Life Vs Athenian Life Essay

Decent Essays

Ancient Greece was once the most powerful force in the world. The two driving forces that led Greece to this height was Athens and Sparta. Although they were both Greek city states their ideas conflicted with one another and led to strife between the two civilizations. Furthermore, this conflict led to the Peloponnesian War which would determine which Greek city state was stronger. The war dragged on for many years but eventually the Spartans won. The reasoning for the Spartans victory had a lot to do with the lifestyle they practiced. This lifestyle, mentally and physically prepared them for victory. This proves that that the lifestyle of the Spartans greatly outmatched the practices of the Athenians. The lifestyle of the Spartans was a harsh …show more content…

They practiced a lot of the same traits that modern day Americans practice. With a high value on education, the Athenians valued science and different arts more than military power. This lifestyle is the biggest reason why the Athenians lost the Peloponnesian War. The young Athenian generations were encouraged to explore these cultural aids rather than become highly trained warriors. Although war was costly for both civilizations, the Spartans only needed to chip away at their soldiers. The spartans could lose soldiers because they had young trained killers to call to if needed. The Athenians were limited to the soldiers that voluntarily enlisted into the military. Although the Athenians were winning a cultural victory, it was ultimately the lack of trained warriors that would prove to be their undoing. The people of Athens could only watch as their powerful opponent slimmed down their military. The only solution that could of changed the outcome would be if the Athenians could discover a new technology that would slide the odds in their favor. Although the life of a Spartan wasn’t glamorous or fun, it would ensure the preservation of their society. A life in Athens was surely more enjoyable, but in a time of brutality and war, the comfortable life of the Athenians would be their

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