Spartan Military
From about the time of the Persian invasion until the Battle of Leuctra, Sparta was viewed as the powerhouse of the Greek city-states. There were numerous reasons behind their success, but there are few that stand out as the most prevalent. Spartan boys are born to be warriors, they are sent to the Agoge at the age of seven and forced to abide by the Laws set by Lycurgus the Lawgiver. Spartan men never had to worry about chores or any work that was done in the kleroi, allowing more time and focus to be dedicated towards militaristic training. The Spartan army had the ability to call upon the Perioikoi and Helots if need be as extra warriors, which became a significant advantage at time. These reasons, along with
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Although the Spartan army was very one-dimensional and relied heavily on the phalanx, the warriors were trained well enough and had the discipline to become an overpowering force. The training and education of Spartan boys, the ability to call upon reinforcements from the Perioikoi or the Helots, and the manner in which Spartan society was built, allowing the Spartan men to become full-time soldiers and dedicate all of their time to warfare, were the main reasons behind the Spartan success. The Laws that were set by Lycurgus the Lawgiver paved the ground for what would become an extremely renowned and disciplined Spartan military force that experienced great success for many years.
* Cartledge, Paul. Spartan reflections. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001. Print. *
Cartledge, Paul. The Spartans: an epic history. London: Channel Four Books, 2002. Print. * Fowler, Barbara Hughes. Archaic Greek poetry: an anthology. Madison, Wis.: University of Wisconsin Press, 1992. Print. * Lazenby, J. F.. The Spartan army. Warminster, England: Aris & Phillips, 1985. Print. * Plutarch. Moralia. London: W. Heinemann;, 1927. Print. * Powell, Anton. Classical Sparta: techniques behind her success. Norman: University of
The Greeks, Trojans, and Spartans were very resourceful and strategic when in battle. The Spartans were one of the many armies in Greece, and they rose to the top through tactics and strategies. Greek tactics and strategies were very successful due to how many wars they won. However Trojans were out of the “box” thinkers, and were not always an easy fight.
Spartans military was a hard core and well rounded out military in its time. Part of the reason why they were so successful is because of their rigorous training each boy had to go through. Why I said boy is because the Spartan military training would start at age 7 for a chosen boy. The boy gets chosen to live in spartan society at birth. If the Spartans did not believe that the boy would be rounded out for their society they would leave the boy to die. During the boys training hazing and fighting was encouraged to help improve strength among the boys. During spartan training each boy was mainly taught mathematics, music, and how to fight. Also during their training, they would learn how to steal but without getting caught. If they were caught they would not be punished for stealing but only for getting caught. This type of training continues until the boys would become men. Which is at the age of 20 for the Spartan's. At age 20 Spartan men would have to pass a series of demanding
In the fifth century BCE, Sparta developed in the Eastern Mediterranean. Sparta was limited in size (population), but its military was famous for its toughness. Even with a small population of an army of about 8,000 men, they managed to defend Sparta from incoming attacks. Unfortunately, Spartan boys were forced to join and receive training from age 7. Like the battle of Thermopylae, Sparta was able to shield itself, but all the warriors died.
There are a variety of aspects of Spartan Culture that led to the success of this city-state. I feel like the most important success to this city-state was the way of their education. One reason why Spartan education was so great was the way they taught there military combat skills. Males started training in the barracks at six or seven to start their complex training until the age of eighteen. People in the city-state should feel extremely safe when their army is home even when they aren’t they should feel safe since females get training too.
Imagine being taken away from your family at the age of seven and was forced to fight someone that was older than you and was trained and skilled in fighting, and they didn’t go easy. That would not be fun. The Spartans were known for their army but the army wasn’t very big. It wasn’t very big because they were very cruel during their training and some people died from it. They also didn’t have a good mental education system. Some things that they did for fun was senseless murdering. With this evidence of senseless murder, lack of mental education,and their cruelness, I think that the weaknesses beat the strengths.
Imagine fighting to the death with your peers in 8th grade, battle training from the age of 7, and never meeting your parents for 14 years! Well, all Spartan boys had to go through this and much more. They had to fight against their peers to survive in harsh conditions of the Spartan culture. The Spartan civilization was one of the most well renowned Greek city-states. This civilization had the strongest warriors and defeated Athens in the Peloponnesian War.
The government in Sparta followed a very different coarse than that of the Athenians. It was controlled by an oligarchy in which the power was held by a group of five men called ephors. Working below the ephors was the Council of Elders and an Assembly. Male citizens over age sixty could serve on the Council while anyone, male or female, over the age of twenty could be a member of the Assembly. Though the citizens had little say in the decisions made by the government, the system worked effectively. Over the years, the Spartan's brutal reputation in war grew so great that other nations and city-states were too frightened to attack Sparta even though the Spartan army was no larger then eight thousand men. The Spartan Constitution called for all men to begin their military education at the age of seven, where they were trained to be tough and self-sufficient. Every man in the army fought with a great deal of passion for his country. Life in Sparta may have been rough, but the rest of the Greeks envied the Spartans for their simplicity, straight forwardness, and fanatical dedication. The beliefs of Sparta were oriented around the state. The individual lived and died for the state. The combination of this philosophy, the education of Spartan males, and the discipline of their army gave the Spartans the stability needed to survive in Ancient Greece.
Sparta has the most advanced military system. The Spartans used a perfected battle formation called the phalanx. They trained their army at a young age. So then they were strong in battle. The strengths of Spartan education far outweighed the weaknesses because the Spartans had advanced military, they killed the strongest helots, and they trained their soldiers at a young age.
Sparta was one of the most powerful city-states in Greece and in order to increase a food supply, the Spartans turned to their bordering country Messenia. In the eighth century B.C. the Spartans conquered the Messenians and set up a new type of social system. The Messenians would work the soil to supply the Spartans with the food supply, which would leave the dominating class available for a life of military training. The Messenians outnumbered the Spartans and without a strong hold the lower-class citizens would eventually overtake them by physical force.
Training is a vital ordeal in everything you do from sports to a new job that everyone can do different. This is the case for the Spartans and Romans. Before Spartans are even born their skill sets are already delegated. The Spartans believed in competition and the winners were held in high praise. Thus having the strong men marring the strong women and the fast men marring the fast women in hope of having a son share their physical attribute. After birth the babies are inspected by the Spartan Elders, if imperfect the babies would be thrown off a cliff said to be not fit for battle. When the child then reaches the age of seven he is sent to a military boarding school where he is taught to fight. The Romans did nothing as formidable as the Spartans. The
I could see that the filmmakers were aware of our culture through censorship of images. Since some of the images can be too graphic to the audience in modern culture, they censored some scenes. For example, when the Spartans found an entire town of people dead, we couldn’t see the corpses of the village people. Also, the blood in this movie is very cartoon-like. Audience can watch it and won’t feel uncomfortable
Sparta was ruled by a king or at some point two kings. These two kings were from two separate families of royalty and neither of them had absolute power. The king or kings had to be consulted by the Ephors. The Ephors had a lot of power and authority in the Spartan government. They were a group of five elders, men over the age of 30 who would serve in this position for a year. They had the power to bring up charges against anyone in Sparta, including the king. Unlike Athens who was set on trying to establish a peaceful democratic atmosphere; Sparta was a lot more militaristic and strict. One of the Spartan government’s main priorities was the strength of the Spartan army. They believed that strength, endurance and numbers were a key part in a successful and powerful army. Therefore every Spartan boy at the age of seven would be taken away from their mothers and put into training for the next 13 years.
The spartan military was one of the most feared militaries in the greek society. They trained their citizens in discipline and honor. Their entire culture was based on war. The spartans began in the mycenaean age(1600 Bce to 1100 Bce).
He woke up staring at the ceiling of the cold dark barracks. Bob was his name, he was a Spartan soldier, and had a wife named Rosa. Bob was very lean and muscular, but he was also very sore from the days and weeks of training camp. His wife Rosa had brown hair and a couple children.
The army was responsible for maintaining the reputation of Sparta, arguably the most important role it played. Knows as the best warriors of the Peloponnese the Spartans used their strong military tactics in order to conquer neighbouring lands in order to further expand Sparta and gain larger areas of fertile land. Sparta lead the untied Peloponnese army and was greatly feared throughout the Mediterranean due to their title as the greatest army throughout Greece. This title in itself made the thought and task of attacking or declaring war on the spartiates a feared happening, further defending them from attacks dismissed as useless and never carried out by neighbouring states. The army was the main defence of Sparta keeping the citizens safe and