
Spartan Traditions

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Spartan Traditions: Festivals & History

Explore the history behind some of Sparta's local festivals. You will learn about the traditions and customs of several Spartan holidays including the Hyakinthia, the Gymnopaedia, and the Karneia festivals.

Spartan Holidays at a Glance

Do you have particular holidays that your hometown celebrates? Much like local holidays and festivals today, the city states of Greece also had their own unique festivals to celebrate patron gods or special historical events important to those cities. Most of these events revolved around Apollo, the god of music, medicine, and logic. These holidays also celebrated Sparta's warrior culture.

The Hyakinthia

Scholars still debate who this festival celebrates, but they …show more content…

Poems and praise were sung to Apollo, horse races were held, and national songs were sung. The day was finished with a procession of the local women riding in wicker chariots. Even slaves were allowed to participate in the festival and were encouraged to enjoy the freedoms of the day. The Athenians also attended this festival to encourage goodwill between the two city-states.

The Gymnopaedia

The Gymnopaedia, which translates to 'festival of naked youths' was in celebration to the trio of Apollo, Artemis, and their mother, Leto. The festival lasted for a significant amount of time (ten days according to some scholars), and the whole festival was filled with much celebrating. The only people not welcome to partake in the events were lonely bachelors.

The festival was held in front of the statues to these figures in the Spartan agora, or marketplace. Here, the young men of the town performed special songs and dances in honor of Apollo. Strangers and wandering travelers were greatly welcomed within the city during this time as well.

The remains of a typical Greek agora, or marketplace, similar to the one where the Spartans would conduct the activities of the Gymnopaedia.

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