
Speaking And Listening Essay

Good Essays

necessity that speaking and listening ought to be solidly laid during the formative years of the learners. In the classroom where formal learning takes place, learners are engaged in a lot of listening and speaking activities. The quality of listening and speaking activities affects the quality of learners’ communication competence. This somehow affects succeeding tasks that are dependent on the speaking and listening skills. A teacher may favor more activities on reading, writing and listening skills to reduce the classroom noise but it is equally vital to provide speaking activities as the development of the speaking skill is invaluable in the everyday interactions with people and eventually in the workplace. To equip learners with competence in both speaking and listening skills, they need …show more content…

The advent of technology has tremendously influenced their view of the teaching and learning process. Children are amused with animations, electronic gadgets, and multimedia. To take advantage of the benefits of these modern inventions, the academe, on whose hands rests the noble task of nation building and in the preparation of the global workforce, has adapted some ways these technologies are made available in the educative process whether confined in the four corners of the classroom, or in any other place where these can be accessible like the Audio-Visual room. Classroom strategies involving these technologies make learning amusing and alive. Teachers sometimes simulate these technologies in the forms of games and plays the classroom into a world of fun which children enjoy. Learning becomes spontaneous and very natural which encourages the learners to interact without inhibitions and open up opportunities to develop and put to practice their listening and speaking skills without so much

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