
Special Education Classification Is Important For Teachers Essay

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In order to effectively plan any instruction, it is important for teachers to know their students. Two vital aspects of this knowledge include students’ academic background and their home circumstances. Things like home language or special education classification can affect students’ academic performance in very obvious ways. Much of this information is normally made available to general education teachers through a student’s records, and ESL and Special Education teachers each have their own screening and evaluation processes to help gather more information about these statuses. These evaluation processes consist of past schooling experience these students have had and how much of their schooling they actually remember. Teachers should know what the students know to better plan for future instruction. Students need instruction that provides new information but also is not past the zone of proximal development, meaning the tasks are not too difficult for students to accomplish even with scaffolded support. There are a number of strategies teachers can use to find out what their students already know. One helpful strategy is to ask students about their previous school year at the beginning of a new one. By finding out where they went to school and what they liked best about it, teachers can find out a lot about what sort of curriculum they experienced and what subjects they might remember more about. Additionally, before the start of a unit, teachers can give students a

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