When students meet the eligibility for special education services they are labeled as having a disability. Some labels that are used are intellectual disability, physical handicap, behavior disorder, etc. (Colarusso et al., 2013). Many people, young and old, look down on labels that are associated with special education. Colarusso et al., (2013) explained that after a label is placed on a child, others perceive the child as the disability and not a person anymore. Students are not made by their disabilities and that is a major concern for controversy. As educators, we should be aware of labeling and understand the consequence it could have on a child but that is not always the case. I have seen parents refuse services for their child because
We must not label children due to their disability. It is important we look at their individual need first without focusing on their impairment. We should be realistic about their expectations and modify the curriculum to suit, give them extra support or their own SEN, depending on needs but also encouraging independence as much as possible.
The terms, special needs or disability, can bring into play negative images of a child with limitations beyond what a mother may imagine for their child. Therefore, let the parent be the first to term her child’s difference as a disability.
Throughout the ages, people with disabilities have been hidden away at homes or institutions and were often not educated. This was common practice and as such, when the education system was designed, children with disabilities were not even considered. Then, starting soon after the civil rights movement in the 50’s, a series of lawsuits was brought against school boards and the federal government took notice. Then the Education for all Handicapped Children Act of 1975 was passed and these children were finally allowed the education they deserved. As time went
This week’s readings discussed consequences for special education students. It was very interesting to see the different court case rulings for each case. Teachers, administrators and parents need to make sure they have everything accurate when taking a case like many of these to court. In this paper I will discuss the five key points in the articles and readings stood out to me the most, how and if my beliefs changed or were altered, and how I might apply the content to the classroom and instruction.
Children with a learning or physical disability may be subjected to prejudice or discrimination at school because they could be treated differently
My response to this DQ is a situation that actually happened at the school I work at. At that time our district used a Co-op to provide Special education services such as speech, physical, and occupational services. After the speech pathologist we had for years moved out of state, a replacement was hired to take her case load. In the classroom I worked in at the time only had one student in need of a speech pathologist, but there were other students in the building she would see also. After a few week we noticed the speech pathologist was not coming to work with our student. The teacher emailed her and was told she had been in meetings and would see us soon. After about two more weeks of not showing up, it was questioned again and the principal looked into it.
Disproportionate identification of minority students in special education is a major concern in schools today. This paper describes the issues in the assessment process with minority students and how we have arrived at a situation where minorities are being misdiagnosed into special education programs. Additionally, several legal cases are mentioned which show numerous actions and rulings that have tried to correct the disproportionate identification in special education. Some of the legal cases discussed include Larry P. v Riles, Diana v. State Board of Education, and Guadalupe v. Tempe Elementary School, which all significantly impacted special education today. Additionally, the Individual with Disabilities Education Act has enforced
…“Children with disabilities should be educated in the most open and normal environment possible (the least restrictive environment); when needed, evaluations, diagnose, and treatments should be done without stigmatization and discrimination.”… (Pg. 176)
In this case study, the plaintiff would be the parents/guardian of the victim. The victim is labeled as special education student with cognitive disabilities and mental illness. The point of view the plaintiff is trying to make is they are suing the Board of Education for willful and wanton misconduct when they failed to supply another attendant for the bus knowing the assailant’s deviant sexual history and protective plan. The plaintiff also believes the act was a foreseeable situation based on the prior situations and knowledge of the assailant.
Although in many cases teachers have the students’ best interest at heart and hope to benefit them from a referral for an evaluation, inappropriate labeling can bring serious consequences for pupils. As noted on Truth in labeling: disproportionality in special education (2007), once admitted into the special needs program, students tend to remain in special education classes, they are more likely to encounter less rigorous curriculum and lower expectations, they often face social stigma, and have less contact with academically able peers.
Special Education is a topic of controversy with many advocates fighting for the justice children and adults with special needs so rightfully deserve. With laws being passed and modified so frequently, it is important that the educators being brought into the world have an extensive knowledge of the developmental needs of many different types of children. With this knowledge and their constant measures to keep up to date with the fast-moving world of education, they will be able to deliver an appropriate atmosphere that is in accordance with the law that ensures ethical practices and guidelines are always being followed.
By and large, it is of little debate in today's sophisticated world that education is of great importance. This is inasmuch as education is the basic necessity of life and brings self-confidence. With this in mind, it is quite expected to notice some of its aspects are somewhat controversial due to its prominent standing; many people wonder which way helps students to learn more. One idea of prominence in this regard is that students learn more when they work together on a project. I personally concur with it. The rationale behind this thesis will be elaborated upon and exemplified in the ensuing paragraphs by giving two outstanding reasons.
For most of our nation's history, children with special needs or disabilities were shunted aside. In spite of mandated education laws that had been in place since 1918, many students were denied education and
The importance of education for all children, especially for those with disability and with limited social and economic opportunities, is indisputable. Indeed, the special education system allowed children with disability increased access to public education. Apart from that, the special education system has provided for them an effective framework for their education, and for the institutions involved to identify children with disability sooner. In turn, this promotes greater inclusion of children with disability alongside their nondisabled peers. In spite of these advances however, many obstacles remain, including delays in providing services for children with disability, as well as regulatory and
Special education creates opportunities for students, parents, teachers and related staff and administrators to work together to improve educational results students with disabilities. IEPs and 504s are the plans that help educators to develop education for each student with disabilities. The IEP is an important legal document that handles issues in special education properly. There are so many rules that school personnel must follow. In this assignment, I will identify effective procedures for documentation and remediation of the teacher, her behaviors and the allegations about her regarding a special education student.