
Special Education Portfolio Analysis

Decent Essays

Through the creation of my e portfolio I am given the opportunity to reflect upon my professional goals which I established while taking the first class of the Master of Education with a concentration in Advanced Special Education back in the summer of 2014. After reviewing the goals I realize that my goals were very general and lacked detail. It was also evident that from the wording of my goals was very repetitive and I had a difficulty narrowing down on what I hoped to obtain form the M.ED. Program. The goals were to expand my knowledge and my professional experiences in my role as an educator for students with disabilities being serviced through the Special Education Program, to promote higher self-expectation for my students and myself and help others comprehend the need to keep high expectations for students with disabilities, and to collaborate with various coworkers like speech, physical and occupational therapist, schools psychologist, general education teachers, administration and especially parents among many other people to advocate for the special population issues. These goals were the base from which I drove my ambitions …show more content…

The courses I took during my completion of the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Master of’ Education Program with a concentration on Advance Special Education have granted me with a wide range of special education knowledge. Through the special education courses, I have strengthened my ability to differentiate instruction, meet the needs of my dives learners through research based interventions, as well as assess their growth. The leadership courses have taught me the abilities to lead and excel in the education field. They have open the possibilities to venture onto new horizons where I may be able to lead as a special education representative no matter the course I take in

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