
Special Needs : Teaching Needs

Satisfactory Essays

Teaching Special Needs
What I Already Know / What I wanted to Know
“Well, I only became a special needs teacher because all the teachers that your father had when he was in school all told him that he will never learn to read after he was diagnosed with severe dyslexia. So when he was put in special needs for his dyslexia, I started going to school to become a special needs teacher.” my grandmother told me. This made me start to wonder why he couldn’t just stay in the normal classroom and have just a little more help with learning how to read. Why did he need to go into a special needs classroom? How would going into the special needs classroom help him?
I already knew that kids with special needs needed more help and that going to a special needs class would get them that help. I also knew that kids with a variety of disabilities went into a special education classroom. I didn’t know much more than that or how those children were taught.
I needed to how these students in the special education were being taught and how this differed from the teaching in a traditional classroom. Were these students just being taught everything normal children were, just slower or were they being taught completely different things? Were they being taught what normal students were learning just with a different way of being taught the material?
I made a list of things I wanted to know. From this list, I was able to form my research question: How does teaching special needs children differ from

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