Making a parol is really hard especially with lights in it. It was hard and fun at the same time. In order for us to start doing it we designed and make our circuit plan. In doing our parol circuit we trodden with different electronics material like resistor, capacitor, transformer and a lot more. This is not new to me and to others but at the same time my knowledge into it widens. Our parol is one of the biggest and widest it was really hard and we thought that we could not finish it on the allotted time given. But with unity and team work we are able to finish it. All of us have a different role or task to make. I still remember the time that after school we would immediately go to Jake house and finish it. It was exhausting but it is all worth it in the end seeing it light for the first time takes away all of the sweat and tiredness away.
Parallel Circuit
Parallel circuit
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In its simplest form, a capacitor consists of two conducting plates separated by an insulating material called the dielectric. The capacitance is measured in units of Farad (F). The capacitor disconnects current in direct current (DC) circuits and short circuit in alternating current (AC) circuits. Large capacitors are used in the power supplies of electronic equipment of all types, including computers and their peripherals.
Resistors are electronic components which have a specific, never-changing electrical resistance. The resistor’s resistance limits the flow of electrons through a circuit. They are passive components, meaning they only consume power (and can’t generate it). Resistors are usually added to circuits where they complement active components like op-amps, microcontrollers, and other integrated circuits. Commonly resistors are used to limit current, divide voltages, and pull-up I/O lines. The electrical resistance of a resistor is measured in ohms.
What is an electrical circuit? How can you manipulate components and design a circuit that will do what you want it to? This guided activity will introduce you to some components, tools, and concepts that are fundamental in electronics. It will allow you to investigate and discover:
PSU (Power Supply Unit): PSU turns mains AC to low voltage regulated DC power for the internal components of a computer.
Last month, we started out the CO2 Dragster Project. Our assignment was about designing and building a race car made of balsa wood for the Dragster Race. We were supposed to sketch 5 different designs of the top and side views of the dragster on OneNote, and pick one of the five to be our final designs. Unfortunately, I transferred to this school halfway through the project, and I had to change my plan: sketch only one design. When I first started, I had no experience with this, and I did not have as much time as most people did, so I thought l wouldn’t do well on this. This project was challenging to me, students needed many skills to do a good job on the project. Personally, the greatest challenges were patience and determination of hard work.
This project was quite expeditious due to the number of alternate subjects studied within the constraints of school. This made it quite difficult to complete because time limits were evident and tested. This could have had a substantial impact on the project itself, however, it did not because of skill and precision. Working individually could be beneficial in certain circumstances if one is smart, advantages might include independence and personal idea. Although, it was not easy coming up with good ideas and multi-tasking in different areas individually. In addition, working in a class group was helpful due to the amount of
Introduction: Voltage can be thought of as the pressure pushing charges along a conductor, while the electrical resistance of a conductor is a measure of how difficult it is to push the charges along. Using the flow analogy, electrical resistance is similar to friction. For water flowing through a pipe, a long narrow pipe provides more resistance to the flow than does a short fat pipe. The same applies for flowing currents: long thin wires provide more resistance than do short thick wires. The resistance (R) of a material depends on its length, cross-sectional area, and the resistivity (the Greek letter rho), a number that depends on the material. The resistivity
To Kill a Mockingbird is a historical fiction novel written by Harper Lee. The novel is set in Alabama during the time of segregation. This novel conveys many themes such as hypocrisy, discrimination, and prejudice. Religious hypocrisy and lack of empathy is also found in this novel and contributes to those three themes. Religious hypocrisy is stating that you are a follower of that religion, however your actions directly contradict that. Empathy is when, as Atticus stated it, “you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” (Lee 3).
Insulator – Do not allow electric charges to pass through them. Electrons in the atoms and molecules move very slightly to one side of the object but are not released.
A capacitor is an electrical device that is able to store mass amounts of electricity, much like a battery. However unlike a battery a capacitor can only store this electricity temporarily in an electric field. The size of this field is determined by the surface area between the conductors (metal
I worked in a group with Wyatt and Jarik. This project was not very difficult but, it was not very easy either. I would rather do these kind of projects than learn about grammar and DOL. This project took a while to complete. I felt like it was a good amount of time to complete the project because, I didn’t have very much homework. I felt like we all worked on the project.
One of the most evident disputes in current educational structures, especially within the American teaching system, is that standardization creates a uniform curriculum which hinders the liberty of thinking. Therefore, classrooms are merely instilled with homogenous thoughts, instructing in a robotic manner to equally distribute knowledge for every student. From elementary school to college, we are urged to take standardized tests to advance onto the next level based off of a definitive score that suggests qualification (Ravitch xxiii). However, this academically inhibits those who aren’t strategically successful with these assessments. Those who score above the criterion must stay in line with the general standard. This “rigid curricular prescription”
Marijuana is the third most popular recreational drug in the United States. Despite this, Marijuana remains illegally in many states across the country. Legal drugs like tobacco, and alcohol are proven to be more deadly then marijuana. However, they remain legal nationwide. Tobacco itself is the second major cause of death in the world. The United States should legalize marijuana because it’s not as deadly as some other legal drugs, it’s already widely used, and it’s nearly impossible to enforce its’ use.
Insulate - to cover, line, or separate with a material that prevents or reduces the passage, transfer, or leakage of heat, electricity, or sound (Insulate ,2015, pg.1). In this experiment insulation is the main topic. Insulation is used in many things: a house, a refrigerator, walls, clothing, and types of drinking cups. Installation can be made of materials like styrofoam, plastic, and fiberglass. These can be used to keep things hot or cold. Insulation is most commonly for heat and maintaining heat energy. This experiment tests the insulation of several cups and how they keep liquids hot. Each cup used in the experiment has some insulation. The cups have different amounts of insulation. Each of these cups are generally used as insulators for many liquids.
The topic of the anatomy and physiology of the phonatory system has been my favorite topic so far. Everything about the system was fascinating, however, what stood out than others was the hyoid bone. There has been always an assumption that the larynx was the important aspect of the system, therefore discrediting how hyoid bone also heavily affects the phonatory system.
Now we will move onto other materials that are involved with electronics. The next group of materials that will be discussed are insulators. An insulator is a material that does not conduct electricity at all but will resist or stop it from traveling further. An insulating atom has eight electrons in its valance shell which makes this shell complete. Eight is the most electrons that any atoms can have in their valance shell this is why these are called insulators, no more electrons can fit in the valance shell of these atoms.
Throughout this research paper, the reader will have a better understanding of the different forms of resistance. Also the reader will have the ability to compare the two types of resistance which were active and passive. And finally the reader will be abl