
Speech On Motivation

Decent Essays

Welcome parents, administrators, and classmates to the eighth grade promotion. After surviving through three years of essays, assignments, and tests, we finally graduated. Everyone here has accomplished so much in the past few years. For me, I was able to wake up early roughly 540 times. If I have learned one thing during my time at MJS, it is that I’m not a morning person. Waking up early was presumably the most challenging part of middle school, and in September, I will be forced to wake up even earlier. Nevertheless, I will the find motivation to do so. An unknown individual once said, “Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goals… that will enable you to attain the success you seek.” The anonymous author is certainly correct; commitment leads to success. With perseverance and hard work, one will ultimately be rewarded with the satisfaction of succeeding. Hard work is a ship in an ocean of challenges. A sailor must utilize a lighthouse to guide them on a safe path to the shore; just as one uses motivation to help them strive for their goal. Furthermore, it takes determination to get through this sea of trials. In 6th grade, we definitely showed a sense of determination. We were insistent on learning the ropes of middle school. However, we first had to learn everyone’s names; a nearly impossible task considering we barely knew anyone. On the first day, we were all on edge; we just went through the motions

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