Veganism and Meat eaters
What is the best diet
All around the world, there has been an increase in Veganism. So what is Veganism? Veganism is a diet that rejects eating animal products like dairy, meat and poultry and in some cases honey from bees. Many people have been favouring Veganism because of it healthier and enhanced diet. I’m here to prove it straight that veganism and a balanced diet is a better diet than our current one.
Firstly, back at history, our ancestors didn’t eat meat and dairy like us because it was much pricier than now and they only ate meat and dairy at a special occasion, but ever since the 1940 meat and dairy price plummeted down due to it easier production in food factories. This increased the demand for meat and
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Firstly your health will improve due to eating more vegetables nearly all the nutrients are available in the vegan diet; also you reduce the chance of illness like cancer and diabetes. Besides being a vegan doesn't mean you have to restrict yourself from sugar products; dark chocolate is one product that doesn't have a dairy. Presently more vegan ice-creams and cakes are appearing more widespread in the world like the brand ben and jerry ice creams. Also, Veganism is more environmentally becoming well known that 1,600 gallons of water are needed to produce a single pound of beef. Also producing one pound of animal protein requires about 100 times more water than producing one pound of grain protein. Furthermore, cattle raising can destroy forests by the cattle if it overgrazed the land leaving no vegetation’s, also cattle raising produce methane a gas more potent than 30 times the famous CO2 methane traps heat more than CO2 by 30 times and a cow produces about 86000 cubic litres of methane in a year to the
"Going vegan is empowering. In addition to feeling better physically and emotionally, it helps instill confidence," Said Gene Baur founder and CEO of Farm Sanctuary. "There are many things in this world that are outside of our control, but each of us has a lot of power over what we eat. Being mindful and intentional about the way we eat can lead to improvements in other parts of our lives as well."
It has long been believed that animal products are an important element in a healthy diet, but recent discussions have become more common on whether they positively or negatively affect an individual's health. Many have argued that animal products are essential to a healthy life, and make them the staple of their diet. But being Vegan vastly increases your health, decreases your negative impact on the planet, and saves countless innocent animals from a meaningless death.
If a person looked around and consumed the right amount of what they were eating, there would be absolutely no problems while on this diet. Also, there can be more variety achieved in this diet by consuming new and different types of fruits, and vegetables. There are even meat substitutes by a brand called MorningStar. In addition to getting all the correct supplements the human body needs, while on the vegan diet a person would not eat red meat or drink milk. By not consuming red meat, this allows for the digestive pathway to work more efficiently because it takes about three days to fully digest any red meat. Not consuming red meat also lowers your cholesterol, preventing gallstones, plaque buildup in arteries, and heart attacks. As for not consuming milk, the top three countries on the International Milk Genomics Consortium milk consuming list (Finland, Netherlands, and Sweden) are also the top three countries with the weakest bone structure. This appears quite deceiving given that children drink milk so they can develop a strong bone structure. It is also proven that almond milk has 50% more calcium than regular cow 's milk. Given this information, milk does not determine the strength of a person 's bones. Not consuming red meat will also lead a person to a better future with less bills to pay and no health risk. Overall, by switching over to the vegan diet
, might you ask , because the demand for there product is so high that they need to put out meat very fast to support there supply and demand ratio . How they do this is sad , they feed there animals that are soon to be served up in these local fast food places , nothing but grain based meals so they could get fat and produce more meat , if there animals are baby’s or small they inject it with lots of horomones and steriods so it could grow like a adult un naturally . That is animal cruelty and Very un healthy for us to be consuming this basically fake meat so this needs to be put to a stop . Back in the Industrial Revolution Age we were faced with the same problem but back then it was even worse , due to all the diseases and the lack of knowledge and technology , this all changed when the big meat companies got exposed for what they were doing wrong .
The first things that come to a person mind when they hear the word, “vegan’, are usually protest for animal rights, salads, and a lack of protein, but the question is does he/she really know what being a vegan is all about? Veganism is the practice of abstaining away from the use of any product that uses animals, commonly associated with the cruel treatment of animals and make up thirty-one percent of the population worldwide. An ethical vegan is a form of veganism were a person does not use any product that has been tested on an animal or is made from an animal. A dietary vegan is a form of veganism were a person does not consume any product made from, by, or out of an animal. Many people believe that veganism is unnecessary because “not all animal are treated bad” or :it’s to hard, or “it’s bad for the body.” Although some people believe that, realistically, a vegan diet comes with an abound of benefits for animals, the body and the environment.
Vegetarianism is more efficient from production to consumption because there is less waste and the ratio of energy intake compared to gross production is much greater for plants than animals. Meat prices more drastically compared to those of fruits and veggies. You can grow your own fruits and veggies in your backyard with relatively little space and resources compared to trying to raise your own livestock. Vegetarianism may lead to a deficinacy of vitamins and minerals including iron, B-12, and protein. You can also be lacking in calories in general and may be more tired because many vegetarian foods are not as calorie dense. Eating vegetarian can also be difficult depending on where you live.
Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. This includes not consuming meat, dairy, honey, eggs, gelatin, etc., as well as not using leather, feathers, wool, or products that have been tested on animals.
Since the beginning of human existence they have always had meat in their diets. Hunting was their life and that is all they would do to survive. As civilization progressed animals became domesticated and farming was invented. The irrigation system further progressed farming allowing for more food yield and better nutrition. The domestication of animals also brought milk into the scene which was used for cooking. Ever since then humans have eaten a mixture of animal and grown food products claiming themselves as omnivores meaning that they eat both plant and animal based foods. This has forever been shown to the public as healthy with showings of calcium in milk helps build strong bones and protein in meat helps muscle growth. Until the 1900’s
More than 150 billion animals are slaughtered each year. “Every year in America, without mercy, we murder 10 billion land animals, and 18 billion marine animals. Not for health, survival, sustenance or self-defense. People eat meat, cheese, milk and eggs for 4 reasons: habit, tradition, convenience, and taste.” (Yourofsky). Making people go vegan for a month or years, can significantly drop the high amount of animal cruelty that happen each day. This can cause an growth in the animal population. It can help animals live a happy life instead of being trap in a slaughterhouse waiting for their
Good news for vegans everywhere. You can now experience one of the most famous luxuries around. Ben and Jerry's just unveiled its first ever non dairy ice creams! To top it off you won't even be limited to the average flavors, you will get to experience the really stuff, the stuff Ben and Jerry's is famous for!
According to, “ Veganism represents a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, other animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of humans, other animals and the environment.“ People that follow this way of living are called vegans. The vegan diet is more a lifestyle choice and a philosophy than just a diet. The vegan life is the best way to live because it’s healthier, helps the environment, and is kinder to animals.
The first thing that usually comes to one’s mind when they hear the word Veganism is healthy. However, many points would debate against and for this very statement. There are many researches that prove the vegan diet is a healthy one and that this diet is better than a normal animal product eating one, however none proving that it is better than all the other diets, like some people claim the plant-eating one to be. Being a vegan means that you miss essential nutrients on a day to day basis such as vitamins, iron, zinc and calcium just to name a few. As well as this, when you get rid of all these animal products you are at a much higher risk of developing a nutritional deficiency and becoming under-weight. Looking
For one, people began to wonder exactly how their hamburger was prepared, and where it was coming from. If you do your research you’ll find that factory farming is extremely cruel and inhumane. Dairy cows only produce milk for their young, so to boost the production of milk, farmers impregnate through artificial insemination annually, which can lead to stress, illness, and even death. “Nearly 100% of calves
I myself have had a plant-based diet and a diet made up of processed food and meat, and based on my experience and research it is clear that a plant based diet is the better choice.
Some would not be able to live without eating any animal products in their diets, such as, meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, and honey. For vegans, however, this is a normal way of life. Vegans are frequently misunderstood as either people who have eating disorders, or an unnatural passion for animal rights. It is time for people to realize that veganism, a challenging yet rewarding lifestyle, goes way beyond being skinny or caring for animals. In reality, veganism can be extremely advantageous to anyone who adapts it as a way of life and has many different benefits that come along with it.