
Spirit Catches You And You Fall Down Reflection

Good Essays

Alex Stephenson
Dr. Douglas
Encountering Cultures
November 7, 2016 My Personal Reflection of the "The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down"
This book known as "The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down" presents an interesting storyline that has to do with intercultural interactions and misunderstandings within these interactions. This story truly shows the impact and results when two totally different cultures clash against each other. There are many instances of intercultural misunderstanding and issues that stem from these misunderstandings, as this book really centers and focuses on this subject. The intercultural misunderstandings that are featured in this book will be examined and displayed in a way that clearly shows the root of each …show more content…

Finally, it will be shown on how these learning aspects will change my personal life and ministry in general. I will specifically go into each of these aspects and point out or indicate specific attributes that will make a difference in my life and in ministry. Ultimately, my goal is to show this change through each of the instances in this book, as these instances display the massive intercultural learning potential in this story which is about the collision of two different cultures. Each of these topics are to be discussed in detail, in which, they will show my true reflection of this book known as "The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down."
This book displayed many intercultural misunderstandings and issues that happened to be the focal point of the entire storyline. In my eyes, there were three major intercultural misunderstandings that really created the twists and turns within the storyline. The first intercultural misunderstanding was the difference in meaning for the condition known as, epilepsy. The Hmong culture believes that Lia's condition was not a disease or medical condition of any kind. Instead, they believe that a specific spirit had captured Lia’s soul …show more content…

These issues made me think of what I learned from these intercultural misunderstandings and issues. These issues really showed me the importance of intercultural communication in and during any job. It showed me how much more effective you can be in your job with a better understanding of these three categories. It also taught me to be more aware of my surroundings and to not take different cultures for granted. Even though we may have a different culture, does not mean that someone else's culture is below our culture. Never talk down about a culture or speak poorly about another culture, as this only shows that you do understand that other culture. I find myself doing this quite often and have learned from these issues, as they show me that I need to gain a better understanding of this culture to truly appreciate everything in contained in it. It has opened my eyes to become more aware of the cultures around me and to gain a better understanding of those cultures, so that I may provide the respect they deserve and provide a friendly connection between our culture and theirs. Finally, I learned through these intercultural misunderstandings and issues that everything in my culture is not necessarily right. It is so easy

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