
Spiritual Awareness Of The Dutch Dolmens

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Abstract The Dutch Dolmens are one of the foremost heritage sites of the country and continue to at-tract many tourists. However, the Dutch Dolmens have more than one purpose and is visited for spiritual reasons as well. New Age tourism is a topic that has in recent years increasingly been studied by many academics. This thesis has focused on New Age tourism to the Dutch Dolmens, and more specifically their spiritual awareness of the Dutch Dolmens. The research question is therefore: How does New Age counter cultural awareness of the Dutch Dolmens differ from the official representation? To answer this question a closer look has been given to the concepts of politic and poetic space as presented by Kong (2001). The data has been gath-ered in the field …show more content…

While the hunebedden being burial chambers is the official story and what is mainly represented by the hunebedcentrum (the museum about hunebedden in Borger), the hunebedcentrum does not exclude the idea that the hunebedden might have had additional spiritual meanings. An employee from the Hunebedcentrum stated: We tell people that the hunebedden is what is left from the first peasant society of the Netherlands. They are the oldest monuments of the Netherlands. They are part of a special culture and are without doubt burial places. However, aside from their function as burial places, they were probably also spiritual places. A place were the people venerated their ancestors. We cannot know this for sure as there is no proof. Additionally the hunebedden were used to mark the area. You have to imagine that before the builders of the hunebedden, the people were hunters and gatherers. If you want to claim an area and start building a house and agricultural land you have to show the area is

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