
Spoken Language Persuasive Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Your email address made me chuckle, love it.

We haven't met, but my beautiful friend Kiara recommended you. I am starting what will be Melbourne's and possibly Australia's first "Business Slam" and I am looking for poetic speakers and/ or spoken word artists to be involved in the line up.

The aim is to eventually pay for all the talent, however in the beginning I can not guarantee this, but will promo you all over the place :-)

Melbourne’s First Business Event Empowering Through The Art Of Spoken Word 100% unscripted improvised and totally tailored to the audience in a Tedx style, spoken word delivery. 3 x Audience Questions (selected from each speaker, who they are intuitively guided to selected, Abraham Hicks style)
3 x Poetic Speakers,

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