
Spoken Language and Text

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Explore the view that speaking, texting and/or web-based interactions can be very creative forms of language use.

“English is a rich and fruitful language”, this high concept quote is something that I have heard over and over again throughout my life in education. However to answer this question this quote has to become adjusted towards the question that needs to be answered. An adjustment to this statement would be “speaking and texting are rich and fruitful creative forms of language use”; therefore changing and manipulating the 136 characters of SMS language and spoken language creating new aspects and concepts.

Spoken language has developed throughout millennia and has changed in so many ways, even though English may not have …show more content…

So the standardisation of everyone having a mobile phone or everybody having a computer or face book account creates the omissions because everybody knows some variant of LOL or gtg because these are so common. An example of this is Facebook; this website is the second most visited site in the world! Or from what I’ve been told; this is because it is a social messaging site. People these days check Facebook over 3 times a day due to instant internet access and so about 4/5 people I know have a Facebook account so to calculate the amount of people in London having a Facebook account; that’s 4/5s out of 9 million, that’s a lot of people. So you could say texting is slowly taking over daily life. This statement has evidence of people now saying LOL, people say this because of the standardisation of text and because everyone knows the term, I don’t need to backtrack to tell you about that however this also is because LOL; “laugh out loud” implies different meanings in different contexts for example people would say LOL to imply that something was funny, but not so funny that it was laughable, which is very useful in some social situations. However this completely defeats the purpose of the acronym because you are not laughing out loud. But to state that these omissions from text affecting spoken language is a bad influence on modern English

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