Emile Somekh
WSC 001
In Jeffrey Schranks’ short story, “Sport and the American Dream”, he is trying to show us that the sport America watches and plays, portrays America’s character as a nation. Since America goes from baseball to football we it shows us that we are becoming more violent. his comparisons of sports and war is says best how America changes as a country over the years. Back when baseball was Americas’ pastime to being a totally football country. When we were a baseball country, Americans were happier, not many cared about wars or violence just the enjoyment they got from watching the games with friends or family at the ballpark. It didn’t matter that the sport wasn’t moving at a fast pace or so competitive. Football is the
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Football is concerned with downs, such as what down is it!? Some football terms were blitzing clipping hitting, blocking, unnecessary roughness, spearing, late hitting, horse collars, and personal fouls. Baseballs terms are the sacrifice bunt or a sacrifice fly. The weather for football could be in snow or sleet it doesn’t matter and in the rain the baseball players go back inside and don’t play.” this is basically just siding with what Schank said in his short story that football is tough aggressive and serious sport whereas baseball is a sport for easy going old timers that live in the past and don’t enjoy people hurting other people. He’s also says one more thing, “the QB is like the field general to be on target with his Ariel assault over the defense hitting his receivers with deadly accuracy in spite of the blitz even if he has to use the shotgun with short bullet passes and long bombs he marched his group into enemy territory balancing his assault with a ground attack which punches holes in the defensive wall called the defensive line. Baseball the object is to go home and be safe.” (Carlton, youtube.com, 6/25/08) One strength that Schrank has in the short story, he mentioned, “football should become our national pastime is understandable to those who can see sports as a reflection to American character.” What he is saying here is that, once people see that it is such a dirty and aggressive sport they will then realize why it is our
In Steve Almond’s essay, “You Knock My Brains Out This Sunday and I Knock Your Brains Out the Next Time We Meet,” he starts off by describing a haunting memory from his childhood. He explains how when he watched Jack Tatum collide with Darryl Stingley, he enjoyed the thrill of the violence, yet felt ashamed about the way he felt because Stingley was now a quadriplegic. He goes on to explain why he felt that way, and also why he still kept watching the game, He talks about his childhood and about how his family seemed perfect on the outside, however behind closed doors they were a troubled family with little boys running around with forks and knives and stabbing each other. He goes on to talk about aggression and how soothing it was. He then moves on to talk about the life expectancy of football players and how they live shorter lives, and that Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) is common among football players. Almond focuses on how football players suffer long-term brain damage due to the sport. He gives an example of former players saying how they have memory loss and how they see stars frequently. Almond addresses the issue of how the NFL tried to hide the actual facts about what was really going on, and manipulate the players as well. And that even when the truth came out people put
1.Football is the new national hobby. As football's prevalence has moved to bewildering statures, numerous have said that baseball has been supplanted, that football is presently the lord, that baseball is everything except overlooked. Kindly permit me to first say that undoubtedly football is more prominent than baseball and for good reasons: It's not difficult to take after; an extraordinary reason to host a get-together; and extremely TV-accommodating. Immensely imperative in engaging Americans.
shows how good the sports were, how they made legends. “When the war ended america
Though their writings show similarity in the negativity that surround these sports, their essays differ for the feelings the writers feel now. Bowling refuses to watch hockey, whereas, Zimmerman still has a passion for the sport. For Bowling the sport has been ruined by the violence, the marketing, and the ways it has changed from a sport to business. He says, “ When I was a boy, the boards, ice, and score clock were free of advertising; goals and assists meant more than salaries; and players and teams had distinct character” (Bowling,215). For Bowling, he was still looking for the same sport that he watched growing up, what he sees today, he does not recognize. According to him young boys are being sexually abused by coaches, players are badly hurting others and people like Don Cherry are exploiting others for a good laugh. He sees violence everywhere in the sport now, not the good, old, pure sportsmanship he saw growing up. He also says, “Why should I follow a sport whose foundation in this country is made of blood and beer and an empty rhetoric around outdated and destructive notions of patriotism and manhood” (Bowling, 215). He loves the sport but cannot support what has become of it. Zimmerman shares the love for soccer as other Africans, he says, “my heart will break too, if Ghana fails to win the Africa Cup” (Zimmerman, 346). He wishes for the best, for both the country and the sport. He doesn’t want them to build an identity around
To start things off, Football is known to be a popular American sport, As Nina Burleigh states in her essay “Would Football without Concussions Still Be Football?” That “Professional football is currently the most popular spectator sport in the United States” (610). Burleigh also mentioned “Currently the super bowl is the most watched sporting event in the United States, and it is also seen by millions of people around the world” (610). This goes to show you that Men, kids and even women enjoy watching the game whether its attending a little league football game every Saturday, A high school game every Friday or watching the NFL every Sunday on ESPN. “Such is the glory and delirium of American football – invigorating autumn air, the crack of a beer at the tailgate, the snuggling team logo sweat shirts” (Burleigh 611). Burleigh describes a day of feeling relaxed in which almost every American can enjoy while watching or attending a
Players risk their lives every time they step on the football field. There is always a chance of someone getting hurt. Football is a battle. Everyone wants to come out of that battle as a winner so they will do everything in their power to achieve that. Football is the most violent sport. It draws a lot of attention and creates a lot of good memoires. The NFL has cracked down and is still trying to crack down on making the game safe. They have made head to head contact illegal to prevent concussions. There are a lot of post football players who suffer from injures they faced in the NFL every day of their
In the article “Is it Immoral to Watch the Superbowl?”, the author, Steve Almond states that zealous fandom for football, supports player injury. If true, fans should reconsider supporting this industry. He focuses on the dangers of football, sharing personal stories of football players whose lives were forever changed by the love of the game. Meanwhile, he makes the interesting point of how fans’ utter “worship” of this sport that has forced us to turn a blind eye to the true “pathologies” football possesses. He then goes on to state that football has contorted our view of war into war is a “winnable contest”, and has served as a distraction from the wars.
Abstract: Society is affected every day by many different kinds of sports. These sports often govern society's way of life. People all over the nation turn their TVs to sporting events, such as golf, during the weekends. Scott Stossel states that "more than six million Americans enjoy watching golf on the weekends." Parents use sports as a teaching tool for their children. Kids learn teamwork and discipline from team sports programs and sports have also helped many students with their grades. Kids who want to compete in school sports are taught to keep their grades up or they won't be able to play, but the greedy coaches and schools often look around grades to keep their "star athletes" in the games. Adults have
The Triple tragedy that Harrison to lose who is it simply an opportunity cost for both individuals and society.In comparison to their white counterparts, African American males are socialized by family and communities into certain sports thereby limiting their exposer to other career path and role models, and pushing sports as a promising career early in life. (Krystal and Messer)
Throughout history, people have always loved and thrived on food and fun, and this is no different in the atmosphere of the 1930s. BRIDGE The 1930s was a time for new developments in sports, board games, and the food industry despite the widespread economic hardships faced by most americans at this time.
When a person of a specific gender enters a non-traditional sport for their gender/sex, many social and moral issues will arise challenging that person involved in that particular sport. The intentions of the individual will be questioned as well as their personal interest in the sport. Before any of these questions are asked, there must be a redefinition of gender roles, femininity, and masculinity. In order for a person to enter a non-traditional sport for their gender/sex without being criticize about gender morality, society must set flexible definitions for femininity and masculinity.
Sport and war intertwine as long as one can look back at their history 's. Conflict always seems to be taking place, as do sporting events across the nation. Their similarities are numerous, and their modern ties are often front and center in the public’s perception. Today American football and basketball have risen to become two of the most prominent and followed events in the currently connected era. The Iraq War, the War in Afghanistan, the Gulf War and even the Vietnam War all have had substantial impacts on our sporting leagues at home. In the United State’s political environment these wars are only fought with a strong political mandate. Thus, by using sports to promote a constructive patriotic movement, the government can fight
“This is the movement towards improvement,” I thought while hitting a muddy, stained ball. I am squinting my eyes to look through the walls of gray fog covering my target ahead. I can smell the lush, green grass under my feet. I hear the tiny birds chirping in the tall Monterey Cypress trees above. It is just another calm Saturday playing golf on the mushy grass of San Francisco. I could have fished, balled, or skateboarded, but I decided to come here instead. This is because it is a special hobby unlike any other. Golf helped shape my personality, and disciplined me both physically and mentally. This motto was also inspired by golf, which helped me get through many challenging times. This is my golfing story.
Robed in clashing shades of pink from head to toe and bedazzled librarian glasses, I stalked beyond the staged window pane with a contemptuous sneer plastered across my face. My stuffed cat, Mr. Smitty, perched across my arm while I caressed him and paraded around the stage. The reclusive Katrina Kane was the first of many characters I portrayed after I started acting in the fourth grade. Every week, I traveled half an hour to a small acting class in the annex of the Count Basie Theater in Red Bank, New Jersey. Though it was a simple venue, I fell in love with it. The thrill of performing through the spectrum between reality and fantasy was difficult to describe; the pleasure I derived from becoming a different person, a unique character, was unmatched.
There are many repercussions that are projected upon both men and women when they enter into a sport that typically isn’t thought of as gender appropriate. Some of those cultural and social stigmatisms may be abandonment by your peers, and friends questions regarding your sexuality, and even in some cases criticism as to how you are living your life. In some cases, it may lead to you not being accepted by either group, theone whose norems you are not following, of as well as the one with whom you are trying to get involved. This paper will address all of these issues and how these seemingly negative situations can, will, and are, leading to growth. It will also discuss how this is a situation where repercussions are