Insurance: Coaches must have appropriate insurance which covers both public liability and personal accidents, this is because coaches are responsible for the safety of athletes. If the player is injured under the coaches supervision the coach is liable and could be deemed negligent. Coaches must have insurance at all times. All coaches should have a special sports insurance. It is essential they have the right level of cover to protect themselves and clients. They also cover the equipment they use and themselves personally.
Equal opportunities: It is a coach's job to give all players an equal opportunities on the pitches and in training so that they feel they have had enough game time with in the squad and with their team mates. In training
I think it is safe to say that the coach has several roles to perform; with the main objective being to develop the person being coached. This can be achieved by increasing self-confidence, identifying relevant and suitable topics for coaching as well as agreeing the setting of suitable planned tasks to support the learning process.
M1 - Explain 4 roles and 4 responsibilities of sports coaches, using examples of coaches from different sports
Coaches – the main role of a coach is to ensure all the players fitness levels. This is important because if a players has low fitness level he will not be performing at his best this can lead to injury and make his team lose. The coach should
The University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, which is only 45 minutes from Detroit, is a public higher learning institution that was founded in 1817. The University of Michigan is considered to be one of the best colleges in the country.
When someone is first introduced to coaching it is important that the coach gives an overview of the coaching process and the role of a coach within this. It is important to set the ground rules and all both parties to meet expectations set.
A Coach is somebody who develops, improves or promotes changes in a persons ability and understanding. Coaches work with another person or a group of people and develops them as people using sport to progress them in their development. All coaches have certain responsibilities towards performers, their sport, their profession and themselves. Below I have identified what a coach may be required to fulfil.
First, every team should have a medical personnel to help the injured players. Bob Ferraro, CEO of National High School Coaches Association said, “It should be mandatory to have a medical personnel at each game to attend injuries”(Murray).If there is a push to make it mandatory at the high school level, that same rule should apply to the middle school level. In a meeting, John Engh, the COO of the National Association for Youth Sports stated a trained personnel would be a major step to protecting the players(Murray). If every team had a trained personnel they could teach the coaches of the real
So many athletes get hurt dealing with broken bones ,tearing something etc .According to careers in sports medicine “If you are considering a career as a trainer,you should be able to keep a cool head in emergencies, stay calm at the sight of blood or broken bones,and enjoy science courses.” Trainers also need to have emergency plans already together because, they never know what could happen during a game or practice. Emergency plans should include what to do if an athlete gets hurt, make sure the trainer knows the location to where they are so the EMS can get to where they are and, also what gate EMS would need to go thru if they have to drive on the field to get a player.Trainers also have to deal with tapping the ankles before games sometimes they might have to tape them in the hotel room they're staying in, because they might not have time before the game to get all the players done.Trainers might spend weeks on the road with their team so they might miss out on a lot of family time.
Have you ever thought about getting out and exercising but not actually been motivated enough to actually do that same thing? There are much greater benefits to participating in activities and exercise than in sitting on your bum. Everyone knows that the more exercise and activities a person does the healthier they will be. In order for this to be true though a person must continue this throughout his/her life and be committed to doing it more than just once in a blue moon. One easy way to get this exercise is to play a lifetime sport. Lifetime sports include sports that can continue with you for a lifetime, which you can participate in at any age, and don’t have an age season. In this essay I
The coach is focussed, determined, tenacious, hard – even ruthless- but never cruel. His resolve to overcome all obstacles and challenges in pursuit of the agreed goal is unshakeable. No matter how many setbacks, he has the resilience to keep coming back, to keep fighting. He always has heart for the fight. He persistently seeks for the advantage and no matter how small that is, he will seize it and maximise its value. He is devoted to
The coach will portray that mistakes are not acceptable and the athletes should make as little mistakes as possible. The coach will also show that he/she does not have patience for the athletes that cannot pick up the skills quickly. The coach will condition them if they make mistakes. The coach will have a very loud strong voice, demanding, and intimidating attitude. The coach will enforce fundamentals and skills that the athlete will need to be successful in the sport.
Coaching, however challenging, is a great way to influence the lives of others while also building their character. For as long as there have been sports, there have been people teaching the sport to the players and making them better at it. Coaches must have certain qualities in order to obtain success. One must also look at a coach’s motivation for his job, his passion for what he does, his methods for coaching, and how he became a coach in order to fully understand him. There are many questions someone may want to ask a coach about his profession if they are interested in coaching. Some questions would include: Why did he choose this as a profession? How did he get into coaching? What does one have to do to get a job as a coach? How
The relationship between an athlete and a coach is an unique and (humble??) one. It’s all about learning, growing, and overcoming failures to its successes. About looking forward to the future together in the game and beyond the life of sports. The interaction between them should be upheld and agreed upon, to be held together. They are the most influential character of the competitive environment. I believe in the value of a coach.
Sport risk management is an importance thing to focus in organization especially sport organizations to practice in organization. Risk management comes early years 1970 (Aman, 2006) and nowadays risk management practices is increases and take serious in risk management practices. Sekendiz, Laroche and Corbelt (2011), sport today changes from recreation to professional activities including sport industry, athletes and professional coach or officer. Everyone participate in sport industry including athletes, coaches, managers, sport officers, organizer and all manufactures sport equipment exposes to risk. Sport risk management still low at Malaysia difference UK. Sport risk management comes from combination risk management scope and sport. Risk management and sport a difference scope because risk management is a part of process risk management for organization and for sport is an activity in manage heath. An effect from combination both is more effectives and efficiency in management of sport organization. Performance athletes maybe can evaluate and identity from sport risk management because organization may identify process to minimize
Required classes to ensure that coaches know what to do are: Selected principles of biology, anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, psychology, and sociology related to coaching; human growth and development; safety; first aid and care of injuries; and training and conditioning of athletes. All coaches must be current in first aid prior to the first day of practice for the assigned sport. According to the Commissioner of Education in New York State University as stated in an interview through e-mail, “First-aid can be completed through various options like American Red Cross responding to emergencies; a state education department-approved course on health sciences applied to coaching; a state education department-approved college or university on athletics training or sport medicine; a state education department-approved in-service first aid course; a state education department-approved college first aid course; or equivalent experience attending clinics, workshops, courses or specific programs approved by the Commissioner of Education in that coach’s state.” Knowing the issues that come with safety and prevention is the most important. Every coach needs to take into consideration the fact that anything can happen, and with a proper training and courses taken can help in quick reaction to any incident occurring. Knowing the health related aspects of athletics is something every coach has to have.