
Sports Management Admission Essay

Decent Essays

As a child, I dreamt of being a nurse and caring for the sick. I remember the passion I had wanting to help people in need. However, in a few more months I will not have earned a degree in nursing. Why? I painfully had come to realize that I was not that strong in math and science, which these skills are very necessary in nursing. However, my journey is far from being over. My passion to aid has led me closer to a degree in Sport’s Management. Some of the most popular jobs that sports management graduates pursue are in Business Development, Consulting, Public Relations, and Management just to name a few. A common misconception that graduates encounter with a sports management degree is thinking that General Manager Positions are theirs …show more content…

However, it does not mean that sports are the only opportunity a graduate has; there are also opportunities in the health care system as well. Patient Care Technicians (patient care technicians work closely with patients, in conjunction with nurses) are great opportunities for individuals that hold an associate degree in sports management. According to PayScale’s National Hourly Rate Data chart a patient care tech can earn on average $14.48 per hour. At this present time, Fresenius Medical Care has an open position for a patient care technician. Fresenius Medical Care is a hemodialysis treatment facility for patients who have advanced and or permanent kidney failure. Chronic kidney disease happens when the kidneys can no longer filter blood the way they should, therefore wastes builds up in the blood and over time if the disease gets worse, it can lead to possible kidney failure. When end stage kidney failure has developed, dialysis treatments are required. Hemodialysis is a treatment process that allows the filtration of the blood. Facilities such as Fresenius Medical Care provide the services needed for patients that require hemodialysis

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