
Spread Of Christianity Research Paper

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The beginning of Christianity began in Judaism, and for that reason, it is no surprise that both religions have a lot of faith in its beliefs. During the earliest origins, Christianity was a component of Judaism, but currently, they are two distinct communities. However, they are bound together by their trust in one God and to worship any other is to challenge Him. The separation between both religions did not transpire quickly or effortlessly. The entire division took some hundred years, and the very delicate divorce didn’t happen all at once. Jesus Christ was of the religious community of the Jews, but he contributed greatly to the spread of Christianity.
Jesus Christ and his disciples were the beginning of Christianity in Judea about 2000 years ago. Judea was ruled by the emperor of Rome Constantine during that period. The Romans beliefs were polytheistic because they were pagan and that made things difficult for Jews. This difficulty caused the Jews to dislike the Romans, and …show more content…

The word Messiah is Hebrew for the word Christ and the word Christ comes from Greek origins. Jesus Followed the Jewish ways and went around healing the sick and showing temples the way by teaching them. He soon developed a following of twelve men who believed in what Jesus was teaching. The Jewish people felt threatened and weren't happy because it caused instability among the Jews.
Jesus teachings consisted of The New Covenant and that God would bring people through him. God was doing things this way to restore the relationship between humans and himself that suffered because of sin. He also wanted to reconnect forgiveness, love, and fellowship. Jesus was a prophet and knew he would be crucified on the cross for our sins. He was also telling people he was the son of God and the Jews didn't accept what he was saying, and because Jesus didn't fit the description of a heavenly being the priests rejected

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