
Spread Of Islam Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

Islam is one of the major world religions that quickly proliferated across the world. The spread of Islam started when Prophet Muhammad began to address the public a new revelation that he received from God in 632 CE. It was later written in the Quran, which is the Islamic sacred text. The religion united everyone under one rule and appealed to all because there was no hierarchy. It particularly diffused during the Middle Ages, when Islam had a great desire in exploring new information, developing extensive trade and creating a powerful military system in the Middle East and North Africa, which helped the Islamic World dominate politically and religiously.

One of the many ways that Islam extended its empire was through the educational advancement …show more content…

When the Islamic Empire conquered places, people weren’t forced to believe in Allah; they were generally threatened with taxation. The tolerance of other religions in the places that they conquered shows that Islam was a religion of equality and courtesy. It states, “Believe or else pay tribute [money]… obey the Lord and His Apostle [Mohammad], and he will defend you… But if you displease them… I will fight against you and take captive your little ones and slay the elder.” (Document 1, Muhammad). However, if they chose to wholeheartedly embrace Islam, the people were given gifts of payment to illustrate that their faith was acknowledged. “Similarly, stipends were granted to some Persian or Aramean nobles (dihqans) who cooperated with the Muslims in Iraq. In most cases, it appears that these individuals were required to embrace Islam in order to receive their stipend.” (Document C, The Early Islamic Conquest, Fred Donner). Moreover, Muslims usually went to war or fought when enemies attacked the religion of Islam. This is known as jihad and it is a way to show devotion to God without the use of instigation. It states, “ Koranic revelation commanded them to "Fight in the cause of God against those who fight you, but do not be the aggressors." The early Muslims thus fought their heathen enemies… war against unbelievers was sanctioned by divine revelation and the example of the Prophet.”

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