Islam is a monotheistic faith centered around one God (Allah). It has many prophets that preach the same message of belief in one God. Muhammad was the last and greatest prophet and felt that since the people were worshipping many gods that they had forgotten the original message of the prophet Abraham – worship one God. Muhammad received messages throughout his life from God through the angel Gabriel, so he dedicated the rest of his life spreading the message that there was no other God but Allah and that Muslims should lead their lives in a way to please Allah.
Islam has sacred practices and rituals that are practiced daily, such as prayer, and others that are practiced yearly, such as specific Islamic holidays. The sacred text of Islam
In the 7th and 8th centuries, Islam spread from its beginnings in Arabia to cover the entire Middle East and parts of Africa, Asia, and Europe. As (Document 8) shows, by the year 750, Islam stretched from Eastern Persia in the Middle East, all the way to the westernmost edges of Spain and North Africa, bordering the Atlantic Ocean. Islam expanded so rapidly because of its techniques on conquering unstable areas and converting people to Islam, preventing setbacks and obstructions. Islam had three main reasons for its eminent prosperity. The way that Muslims treated the conquered people allowed for peace throughout the empire. Tolerance, combined with the military power, a disciplined army, and an overall appealing religion of Islam, provided the template that allowed the empire to expand to encompass an enormous amount of area.
Islam is one of the major world religions that quickly proliferated across the world. The spread of Islam started when Prophet Muhammad began to address the public a new revelation that he received from God in 632 CE. It was later written in the Quran, which is the Islamic sacred text. The religion united everyone under one rule and appealed to all because there was no hierarchy. It particularly diffused during the Middle Ages, when Islam had a great desire in exploring new information, developing extensive trade and creating a powerful military system in the Middle East and North Africa, which helped the Islamic World dominate politically and religiously.
In 610 AD, Muhammad had received a message through the Angel Gabriel from Allah and about 2 years later, he started to spread Allah’s word throughout the Arabian Peninsula. This word began to spread quickly and was named into the religion Islam. But why exactly did Islam spread so quickly? Others may think otherwise that military conquest had contributed the most to Islam, but the main two reasons that contributed strongly to Islam growing is trade and treaties/taxes/toleration.
Over 1.6 billion people are muslims. That is about about a quarter of the entire world. Islam is the second largest religion the world. This beast of a religion started out in the small town of Mecca on the Arabian Peninsula. Over the next thousand years it spread to the astonishing size we know today.
Mecca was known as a trading city, for its camel caravans that would constantly visit, and an important religious shrine known as the Ka’ba which was economically beneficial since traders would pay to visit it and its other idols. Islam would begin with the teachings of Muhammad: monotheism, support for the weak and the poor, and that Muhammad was allah’s prophet. Muhammad would be unaccepted by the people of Mecca because his teachings threatened their economy and he wanted to eliminate idol worship. Muhammad fled to Medina and began to create a following known as the Ulma and later developed into a political leader. Eventually, Muhammad would return and conquer the city of Mecca, establishing Islam and destroying everything but the Ka’ba.
According to the documents A, and B, Islam expanded from military conquest and peace treaties. Document A talks about how the Muslims conquered land and how fierce the Muslims were. It also states that “In the battle of al-Yarmuk certain Muslim women took part of defending/fighting and fought violently. “Among them was Hind, daughter of ‘Utbah and mother of Mu’awivah ibn-abi-Sufyan, who repeatedly exclaimed, “Cut the arms of these non-Muslims with your swords!” It also says that it was one of the bloodiest battles ever fought. “The battle they fought at al-Yarmuk was of the fiercest and bloodiest kind. Document B is about the Treaty of Tudmir. It talks about how they will just make the people of Tudmir “pay one dinar every year, together with
In the year of 610 CE, it was the starting point in which a prophet named Muhammad ibn Abdallah created a new generation with a new way of teaching called Islam, that would soon take over the parts of Africa, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. During his time on earth, the start of Islam did not flourished as much after his death. But why did it not grow or expand when Muhammad was still on earth? The new teaching of Islam is soon expanded and the new world will have a new spiritual leader named Imam (Document E). Following the death of Muhammad the first caliph is chosen. With a new “leader” comes with new rules, polices, and a way of life. Reasons why Islam had spread so quickly is because of the qualities it possesses which is its fairness, the trade routes, and its ordinance of government.
In 570 C.E., a man was born who would later go on to become the final prophet of the fastest growing religion in the world. Muhammad was a merchant trader from Mecca. He was praying in a cave near Mt. Hira when he first heard the words of Allah from Archangel Gabriel. Muhammad kept silent about the encounters besides telling his wife until two years later. He decided it was time for the world to hear the message of Allah. From there stemmed the religion of Islam in Mecca. The lifestyle of Islam spread quickly due to pre-existing trade routes, the appeal of the religion and through military conquest.
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) addressed the nation in a “fireside” chat on December 29, 1940 called “The Arsenal of Democracy” ("Franklin Delano"). It was one of twenty-eight fireside chats that Roosevelt would eventually give, but it would become known as one of his best speeches (Roosevelt xi). In this chat he again used the radio to talk to Americans in their homes, where it felt relaxed and informal, despite addressing a serious issue that our nation faced (Roosevelt xi). Roosevelt wanted to tell the people of the United States about the threat caused by the Axis powers’ assault on Great Britain. He felt that America had a responsibility to help Britain and in doing so maintain our national security. President Roosevelt took a strong stance on the need to support Britain and in his speech laid out a plan to build an “arsenal of democracy” in the United States that would protect our country as well as our allies ("Franklin Delano").
In the beginning, Muhammad started to preach his teachings, called Islam, in a populous trade center known as Mecca. Though, at first, his preachings were resisted as the people worried that idol worship and pilgrimages, or journeys to a sacred place, would end. This, in fact, proved to be true as with enough support, Muhammad ordered that the idols be destroyed and that a shrine dedicated to Allah be built instead, making Mecca the birthplace and foundation of Islam. However, within 100 years of Muhammad’s death in 632 CE, Islam had spread to multiple other countries including Europe, North Africa, and Asia. The question is, how did Islam spread so rapidly over the course of 100 years? Briefly put, Islam spread rapidly due to trade routes, military campaigns, and non-Muslim converts.
The prophet Muhammad sparked the rise of Islam on the Arabian Peninsula by preaching the word of Allah, and inspired the caliphs that came after him to expand the religion and lead it to a period of prosperity. Without the benefits that Islam brought and the power of the Muslim army Islamic Civilization might have secluded itself to one region like Judaism did and not spread so quickly across the region like it did. The appeals that Islamic culture and the teachings of Muhammad offered, as well as practical benefits of converting to Islam, brought many People of the Book and other non-Muslims into the religion. Muslims used military force and threats in the name of Allah to strike fear into all non believers and expand Muslim territory through
5. How do war and trade help us to understand the spread of Islam, Buddhism, and Christianity respectively? Please give examples. Trade and war may not impact all three religions equally
Islam is a major world religion. Its origin can be traced back to 610 CE in Arabia. The basis of this religion is the revelations to the prophet Mohammad. Dissatisfied with his life, he traveled to deserts, hills, and the wilderness surrounding Mecca, where he lived, to meditate and reflect. He became a new man through his revelations, which many of his followers believe Allah transmitted to him through his angel Gabriel. Islam was originally an Arab religion, but many different beliefs and practices were added to it, making it extremely popular and aiding in its rapid spread. This new religion spread to many different areas surrounding Arabia, both under Mohammad and after his death. The Muslim Empire grew to encompass Spain and
Postpartum depression is one of the most commons disorders in the early few weeks of child birth. According to the American Psychology Association almost 1 in 7 women are Likely to inherit the disorder. Postpartum depression is caused by the rapid drop of estrogen and progestrone hormone following the birth of a child. The effects include excessive crying without reasoning, irritability, anxiety, loss of memory, and the inability to focus. Within the early weeks of child birth it is expected for a mother embrace her baby however; The symptoms of postpartum depression can cause intrusive thoughts that can harm both mother and child. Many women suffer from the postpartum due to the lack of a support system. It is likely that if a mother doesn't
What is ethics? Ethics is how one acts and is based on what a person feels is morally wrong (Ethics, 2017). Since everyone has their own basis of what is right and wrong, ethics is hard to describe. What one person deems as unethical another person may not see it that way. Each person has an innate feeling that they follow regarding what they consider to be honest, true, and worthy to fight for. Ethics does not involve a specific law that is broken; only one’s belief that something is right or wrong. Therefore, there can be circumstances that are ethically wrong; however, morally right. An example of this is a woman is raped and then becomes pregnant. Perhaps this person’s ethics are against