One of my personal brand is to spread the joy. My qualities that define my personal band is that I am always happy, I don’t let anything bring me down. At school and the club if I see someone sad I ask them what’s wrong and I will try my best to cheer them up with my famous funny jokes that can make anyone smile and laugh. You can be a stranger because I am not shy and I like making new friends. And I am known to spread to happiness. Happiness can be bought, as an example people buy tickets to go on a trip with their family. But the way I spread happiness is being true friend to you there’s no limit in how many friends you have its about how many true and real friends that you have. That will tell you, you’re doing something bad or good and
As in today, written in 1931 and published the following year. Aldous Huxley's Brave New World is a utopian and anti-utopian novel. In the series, the author questions the distinctive values of 1931 generation, by the use of satire and irony to portray a futuristic world in which many of the contemporary trends in today’s-American society have been taken to extremes of futuristic advances. Community, identity, stability are words that compromise the slogan of a society. The community defines that varies individuals must work together to maximize greatest contentment rather than relinquishing their happiness. Which artificially implies idea of identity, that every dependent has, are classified by certain ranks alphas,
The true meaning of happiness is different for everyone. For most people, it is feeling satisfied with every aspect of their life. The society of Brave New World does not know the true meaning of happiness because they have never had any form of true conflict show up their lives. When trouble comes up in their life, they avoid fixing it by taking soma. By taking soma, they base their happiness off a fake reality, therefore, it creates no true relief. Not having any form of conflict in their life creates a problem within itself because then they never get to experience true joy.
Happiness has been and will be controversial topic that will carry on decades from now. It seems to be not one definite definition based on people’s perception of what it means to be happy or what bring about happiness. Some people believe it is just an end goal while others take it as the beginning point to further greatness. People seem to usually draw happiness from a vast number of things. Generally, happiness comprises of an emotional and mental state of well-being that can be characterized through pleasing and positive emotions such as contentment and joy. However, happiness has been researched and defined differently based on religious views, biological views, philosophical and psychological views. In this essay, I will clarify the enigma about happiness and how it is attained.
Lazy fall days, colorful leaves, cooler weather, birds singing, frogs croaking, crickets chirping, relaxing to the sounds of the outdoors. Waves of water crashing upon each other, fishing, telling stories around a campfire, making s’mores, memories with family and friends; this is what happiness is to me. Happiness is in the eye of the beholder, what brings happiness to one person may not bring happiness to another person. When I think of the word happiness, I think of descriptive words like Contentment, enjoyment, satisfaction, delightfulness, something that makes a person smile. I have always looked at the word happiness as a feeling, an action, never have I thought of happiness as an overall affect. However, it is a proven fact, that happiness can affect the over-all health and longevity of human life. Happy people live longer than those that are lonely, stressed, or depressed.
Choir member Davis Blaser says, “I love choir because it is a way to express myself. ” Choir requires a lot more skill than most people think. You really have to know the notes and practice your parts. Usually there are four different parts in choir, the soprano, alto, tenor, and bass. When you pick up a new song you have to read the notes on the music and sing them without knowing the tune of the song. Choir is very fun despite all the hard work, and as some people put it “Happiness is singing in the choir.”
When considering an individual’s conception of happiness, we must first look at the life they lead to understand what might make that person happy. However, to truly assess what makes an individual happy we must further analyze the individual’s character. Since the life one leads does not necessarily correlate to their happiness. There are several factors that contribute to an individual’s conception of happiness. For example, a person may lead an extravagant life full of money, power, and all the materialistic items that many desire, but that individual is not truly happy because under all that material wealth they feel unhappy and alone. Meanwhile, another individual is living within his means but he is completely happy with that life because
Macedonia is a unique country that lies above Greece. Countries in the surrounding area has similar but not the same traditions as them. Christmas is a very religious holiday there because of the major impact the orthodox churches had on the country. Christmas in Macedonia is very different from our traditional Christmas beliefs, ideas, decorations, foods, and events.
Since the days of Aristotle, happiness was thought to have at least two aspects: hedonia (pleasure) and eudaimonia (a life well lived). In contemporary psychology, happiness is referred to as simply pleasure and meaning. Positive psychologists, such as Dr. Martin Seligman, have recently added one more distinct component to the definition of happiness: engagement. As referred to in Seligman’s book, Authentic Happiness, engagement refers to living a “good life” of work, family, friends and hobbies (Seligman). Psychologists trying to understand what influences happiness and its meaning disagree on one concrete answer. A prevalent speculation made by psychologists is that a person terminates his or her happiness the moment he or she acknowledges their happiness. Due to the alterations of what physiologists think makes a person happy, and the questioning of a person’s happiness, a person cannot acknowledge the moment he or she is happy without altering their happiness.
Many wonder what happiness is. Also, they question what they must do to attain it. There are many different books discussing ways how individuals can find happiness. Gladness is a mental or emotional state of well-being defined by positive emotions. The root of happiness can result in many different things. One, the root of happiness can result in better health, better thinking ability, and the delight in doing what is right. Another, is the result of contentment with the way of life can root from trying their utmost to succeed, showing love towards others, and self-meditation. Similar to the ones mentioned previously, justification of being a cheerful person leads to the repercussions of inspiring others to make a difference in society. The loving opportunity that we all can experience, happiness, can create enjoyment, which can result in increased productivity.
There are thirty-one states within the United States that has the death penalty (Jurisdictions with no recent executions, 2017). Although thirty-one states have a death penalty, executions are rare or non-existing in most states (Jurisdictions with no recent executions, 2015). In 2015, only six states carried out executions (Jurisdictions with no recent executions, 2015). The death penalty has been a topic people argued over since it was first established. Many arguments have been made stating the positive impact from the death penalty, but there has also been arguments made against it. One of the arguments that has been made against the death penalty is the fear that an innocent person may be executed. This argument is one of the reasons
Capital punishment, or the death penalty, is a legal sentence for the convicted to be put to death for their criminal behavior. How the convicted criminal is executed varies from state to state. I do not believe that the death penalty is justifiable in almost any instance, if any. Throughout this class, I have read and experienced confusion on my opinion of whether capital punishment can be justifiable. If there was an absolute 100% belief and proof of guilt for the most serious of crimes (murder. rape, etc.), I would agree with the punishment of death. However, this is not the case most of the time. Research indicates that roughly 4% of the people on death row were wrongfully convicted, and at least one in twenty-five people on death row in the United States would be exonerated if given enough time.
Is a psychological or spontaneous state of well-being by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy?
Have you ever felt the need to brighten someone’s day, or just find ways to even brighten your own day? have you ever felt like you just committed a crime by not taking the opportunity to be kind to someone? A lot of the times, in this world that we live in today people are always trying to find ways to become happier. They go around trying to find new jobs, a different set of friends or a new spouse. Everyone has done something within their lives that had an impact on how happy they were. Happiness is a value that everyone should possess. It is a value that is extremely contagious. Making others happy is something that everyone should try to aim for, even if it is hard to make another happy. It doesn’t only do any good to them, but also to you. Happiness comes from our own actions. Holding the door for someone, helping someone with their bags, or just being polite are all actions that can be taken to make other around you happier. This value is seen almost everywhere you go, even in these short stories “Everyday use” by Alice Walker, The Steve Job’s commencement speech, and the George Saunders’s commencement speech. Since being happy allows us to move forward in life and happiness comes from our own actions, people should aim to make others happy.
What do you think makes us happy? A question for everyone to determine at some point in their life. As defined in Merriam-Webster (2017), happiness is a state of well-being and contentment; a pleasurable or satisfying experience. However, happiness is hard to achieve like water or smoke, it is there but it is impossible to hold in our hands. It can be as simple as being content with doing what you love, and living the life you want or by being who you want to be. Some individuals even go as far as to follow steps on how to achieve happiness. Happiness is a sensation that people desire to have, and sometimes desperately wishes for. Everyone has a completely different view of happiness and how to attain it. Some Individuals require money, material things, solitude and for others it is companionship or helping someone, but the list can go on. People sometimes tend judge their happiness based on what their career field is, what kind of car they drive, how many square footages their home has and the area where their home is located. I believe that individuals can be happy within unhappiness when we have an absolute knowledge and understanding of what our purpose is, we stop at nothing to attain and achieve what our heats desires; true happiness.
Happiness is a feeling of satisfaction.It cannot be bought, traded or sold, although many people try to.Its one of the main things that people thrive toward and some people may do anything to have happiness.It is the opposite of sadness and there are many forms of happiness, and it contrasts to every person.