Jaylani is a executive director in CAIR-MN human right Organization. Yesterday he visit St. Cloud State university to clear out the misconception, and hateful of Muslims, and Islamophobia, he presented remarkable presentation about the challenges Muslim people faced on daily bases. Personally, I love everything about this city eve though I moved in recently. There gabs dividing the community to be effective, exclusive and and integrate and those are feared and misunderstanding and of course there are dedicated people and organizations working on to overcome. St. Cloud community there is a fear not to only Somalies but larger community, and that's not only Somali issues, it's everyone's issues and will be solved by really people having
In 1921, Twin City was formed by two towns, Summit and Graymont, which merged to
4) Due to the rebounding industry growth rate of 15% in 2011 comparable to the explosive CAGR of 16.1% from 2003-2008 combined with the partial opening of the new plant in Slovenia, OH Rates are most likely to increase with higher volume orders and larger scale operations. This in turn will decrease our bids and make it more attractive for prospective clients.
We as a whole love Baltimore, Maryland. It 's one of those spots that individuals never leave – truly. Individuals, blacks and whites, who have been occupants for 30 or more years and haven 't been as north as Philly or as south as DC.
The Community is important to me the city of Biddeford is a awesome place to live it’s the best place to live in my opinion.
I’ve lived in Chicago almost all my life. There’s a lot of neighborhoods in Chicago; Good and bad. Living on the south side of Chicago most of my life would make you think there’s nothing but violence in the city. Even though Its bad, I enjoy the neighborhood I live in now. The neighborhood I live in is Roseland, but I grew up in Englewood. Both neighborhoods are similar, but they have their differences.
According to article, the stakeholders, people who are affected by the issue, are Somali immigrants, the United States’ government, Canada’s government, Canada’s police, and the United States’ police. The article centres around
David O’Sullivan, from Yonkers NY, brought up some positive things about living in New York City. He talked about the very social environment. “I moved from there to Morehead, KY and it is totally opposite. I like clubs, bowling alleys, a choice of a million restaurants to eat at, and places to hang out, which are the things New York City has.” David also brought up the point that you do not have to own a car in the city. He took the subway everywhere, and got around much faster than compared to dealing with
Not only for its high-rises, architectural feats, business opportunity, or what have you; but the diversity, as well.
Since 1849 Saint Paul has been the capital city of Minnesota. It is located along the banks of the Mississippi River on the east-side of central Minnesota. Saint Paul is located adjacent to Minneapolis which is the most popular city of Minnesota. Saint Paul and Minneapolis are collectively known as the Twin Cities metropolitan area. These two cities together make up the fifteenth largest metropolitan area in the United Sates. Approximately 60% of the U.S population lives in this area. The rest of the state is called "Outstate Minnesota" or "Greater Minnesota" (U.S. Census Bureau, 2007).
I have lived in Charlotte, North Carolina since I moved from Raleigh at the age of two. For most of my life Charlotte has been a peaceful and loving environment filled with increasing job opportunities. However, the recent events that have come crashing over Charlotte have overshadowed all of the great things that I have to love as child and now young adult. I am sure you are familiar with the tragic shooting of Keith Lamont Scott and the side effects that followed. Not only was my great city put into the limelight for a negative reason, it was also flipped onto its head leaving many of people confused as to what the future may hold. Now, people see Charlotte as an example of what not to be; however, I believe that Charlotte has the ability
Although to the many new buildings and nice people every little town has their “curses”.
Along with the cities growing popularity as a party location the crime rate has experienced a spike as well. A few weeks ago a young woman was gang-raped on the beach by three suspects in front of hundreds of onlookers causing a national uproar. This uproar has been a catalyst to make the city a safer place to visit.
For this paper, I have chosen to interview an acquaintance of mine who is a devote Muslim and follower of Islam. For the sake of this assignment I will be referring to him under the pseudonym of Jack. I spoke with Jack about some wide-ranging topics discussing things such as, media, bias, stereotypes, and really in general what being a follower of Islam is like in this divided country right now. In our country, today it’s pretty apparent there is a type of fear of Muslims, so much so that 7 heavy populated Muslim countries are not permitted from entering the United States of America. I never had conversations as personal as this with Jack and I feel as if I gained a lot of insight into the types of things minorities, and especially Muslims
Many people think in the negative aspect of living In a multinational city, however there are some positive aspects that can affects a person in his or her day-to-day basis. One of the most frequent thoughts that people has is that united states is going to lose part of its mores, if their people adapt a little bit to the ideas of foreigners. However I think that adapted the city and respect the ideas this is the correct way to do it. We have to remember that the US is a country of immigrant that everyone bring what the thought was the best from their country to make it grow as it is. Another thing that I have listen in the streets is that people are not happy in Miami with people that do not want to learn
Where I live is one of the greatest neighborhoods in the city to live in; however it does have its draw backs. Importantly it has nearly everything a resident might want, beautiful picturesque scenery, proximity to shopping, and many of the cultural centers. Nevertheless the roads can be some of the most congested in town, and the streets are not safe to walk late at night.