
St. Denis Creation

Decent Essays

I have received news of how you don’t understand the methods that I used for the creation of St. Denis. For this I write to you. In regards to increasing the revenue. I have thus done for our lord and savior himself. “We turned back to the memorable construction of buildings, so that through this activity thanks might be given to almighty God by us and our successors, and enthusiasm for its continuation and, if necessary, for its completion should be fired by good example.” Would you not want God’s home to be the richest and most beautiful it could be? With God as my advisor, our first priority was the wall as for they were old and threatened to weaken in some places. We have summoned some of the best painters we could find and had the walls …show more content…

Perhaps the poet's question could be answered with words from the prophet: "Lord, I have loved the beauty of your house, and the place where your glory dwells" (Ps. 26:8). I agree. Let us allow this to be done in churches because, even if it is harmful to the vain and greedy, it is not such to the simple and devout. But in cloisters, where the brothers are reading, what is the point of this ridiculous monstrosity, this shapely misshapenness, this misshapen shapeliness? What is the point of those unclean apes, fierce lions, monstrous centaurs, half-men, striped tigers, fighting soldiers and hunters blowing their horns? In one place you see many bodies under a single head, in another several heads on a single body. Here on a quadruped we see the tail of a serpent. Over there on a fish we see the head of a quadruped. There we find a beast that is horse up front and goat behind, here another that is horned animal in front and horse behind.” To this I respond with would you not want the house of God to be what draws in our followers, to give them hope to what may lie in heaven. With these renovations we also devoute ourselves to the saint Denis for which we build this church. We make the name of God one for people to remember so their devotion grows. Is that not what you want St. Bernard, to have more people join God’s will so he may take care of them. I am just a patron, who under God’s will

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