
St Jerome Compare And Contrast

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Education and schooling have been the basis of structure and knowledge since the eighteen hundreds. Since then, school has become a more serious and important responsibility for children around the world. The importance of school is to further one’s knowledge and transform that knowledge into success. Many children may not agree with the concept of school, but they acknowledge that they have to attend because it is required of them by their parents, and even the law. Elementary school and high school are major parts of an individual’s life, and two of these schools which have similarities along with their differences are Saint Jerome and Saint Hubert.

Saint Jerome and Saint Hubert have many similarities as schools themselves. Children …show more content…

At Saint Jerome children are usually around the pre-teen age or younger, while at Saint Hubert students range from teenager to young adult. Generally, students at Saint Hubert are more mature, primarily due to age, than those at Saint Jerome. At Saint Jerome, two teachers split up the subjects and students have class in those two classrooms for majority of the day. At Saint Hubert, each student’s schedule is different, but normally an individual has seven classes with different teachers, leaving the day spread out. Some would say a day at Saint Hubert is faster than a day at Saint Jerome. At Saint Hubert, students have more responsibilities than students at Saint Jerome. School definitely gets more serious and more is expected out of students once they attend high school. Individuals are required more work and studying becomes an obligation if one would like to attend college. Finally, even though a teacher’s goal for her students at Saint Jerome and Saint Hubert is to prepare students for what comes next, the next step is different for one at each school. Teachers at Saint Jerome prepare an individual for high school, while at Saint Hubert one is preparing for

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