All priests know the hassle they will face whenever they make even minor changes to congregational worship. They know they must inevitably endure bitter assaults on their character and motives. Just such an experience, shortly after I left St Timothy's, left Reverent Fran again feeling confused, hurt, and frightened. A few young people had requested a livelier brand of music in the liturgy instead of the staid old organ-based Elizabethan hymns the parish was familiar with. Immediately, she began to re-feel the memory of the previous episode she and I went through. Her heart started racing. She began to sweat. Her muscles tensed up. Cautiously she began introducing new music again, but sparingly. Eventually, she felt compelled to move the guitars and guitarists down to the basement of the church where the complainers couldn’t see or hear them. …show more content…
She had also reinforced the sorts of division that prey most powerfully on every pastor's mind - the divide that festers between the institutional Church and the un-churched; the gulf between adults and young people; the rift between congregations and the proper use of apostolic authority. These fears left her feeling paralyzed. But Jesus didn't condemn fear. He simply commanded, “Go. Do not be afraid.” Indeed, only cowardly priests ask their parishioners, "What do you think?” and then give the response they receive equal weight to the Biblical Tradition. Only cowards go directly to the people before going to the root of apostolic authority. Only cowards seek political solutions to spiritual
“The judgement of God is upon the church as never before. If today’s church does not recapture the sacrificial spirit of the early church, it will lose its authenticity, forfeit the loyalty of millions, and be dismissed as an irrelevant social club with no meaning for the twentieth century” Here King conveys a sense of urgency by suggesting that the church has potential to falter if the people do not make a change now. King also refers to the church as “an irrelevant social club” this statement could anger the clergymen or other readers. By pulling emotions out the audience, King brigs the audience into his work and emphasizes the importance of his words.
Sheed states on page 10 that “In theology, spirit is not only a key word, it is the key word.” Spirt is the thing we know and love and then we end up deciding at the end. So basically, our spirit is everything. It “loves” God and “knows” it loves God.
Fear is a very tricky emotion. In the playwright The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, when faced with fear, many of the characters reacted in the same way. Although, some would not confess due to their faith, many townspeople confessed to crimes
Pope Gregory warns Henry IV against disobedience of papal mandates and asserts the church's authority to run itself without the interference of kings. He reminds Henry of the ills the church has suffered when lay people have appointed church leaders in the past. “Since we know that investitures have been made by laymen in many places, contrary to the decrees of the holy fathers, and that very many disturbances injurious to the Christian religion have thereby arisen in the Church, we therefore decree: that no clergyman shall receive investiture of a bishopric, monastery, or church from the hand of the emperor, or the king, or any lay person, man or woman. “ Gregory could have offered an olive branch by agreeing to accept those clergy who had
Then there were other people who did not like change in the church. They thought the only instrument should be a piano and the only songs that should be sung were the hymns. And then there was a third group. This group liked a mix, they did not see a problem with some new music and adding a few instruments, but they also liked the traditional hymns, they did not feel like they had to get rid of one to have the other. Their concern was more with trying to please all people; obviously not everyone was going to like everything that occurred, but to compromise was there thought and tactic.
1. Discuss the use of music in Catholic and Protestant worship practice, from the development of polyphony, through the music of J.S. Bach. In so doing, discuss the shift in responsibility for musical development from the Catholic Church to the Lutheran Church.
In The Next Christians, Gabe Lyons presents how the next generation of Christians turns the tide by bringing the truth of the Gospel to bear on our changing, secular society. While many Christians are worrying about the growing disregard for Christians and deviation from our faith, Gabe holds an optimistic attitude and believes now we are restorers, and Christianity’s best day are yet to come
Transcendentalism was a philosophy that emerged in America around the late 1820s. It arose as a response to Calvinist Puritanism. Many of its beliefs, however, contradict Scripture.
In the 2nd chapter of Jesus and the Disinherited, the focus or point of views is on Fear. The
A dull routine can always cause artificial stimulants that can lead to not more than fake results. In Unholy Sonnet 14 by Mark Jarman, he illustrates how the congregation is becoming more of a social organization than a faith-based community mainly because of the routine it follows. The poem reveals how the typical congregation seeks for sin to be forgiven. However, it also suggests that a congregation’s conventional dull routine cannot relive the pain of sin when it remains in the heart of the individual.
There are several terms that geeky airplane folks use when discussing the properties and merits of airplanes. It is necessary to understand these terms when comparing airplanes. Some of the most commonly used are gross weight, useful load, and payload. Gross weight is the maximum aircraft weight when full with cargo and fuel. It can be dangerous to exceed gross weight because the airframe might not be able to handle the extra weight. Useful load is how much weight can be
Fear is an unshakable feeling that is driven by both rational, and irrational causes, but in the heat of the moment differentiating the rational, from the irrational can be nearly impossible. When control is given into the hands of fear, no matter how pure or genuine the intention, the outcome will be horrific. The Crusades and The Salem Witch Trials are two historical events that started with the idea of holy purification, but because of the corruption of man both events turned into hellish conquests, that resulted in hysteria, and murder. But it all begins with one individual convincing the others that what they are doing is right, true and pure.
Timothy’s story is about a sequence, or timeline of events showing how being in a certain environment can help shape a child’s development. Timothy’s behavior from the beginning was a perfect example of how children model after their parents or caregiver. He was exposed to violence at a very young age from his parents, and therefore that was how he learned how to express himself. With his parents out of work and in low paying jobs, the whole family was under a lot of stress. Timothy was spanked as a result of them not dealing with their stress in a
The first reading by Tatarsky and Marlatt emphasises upon harm reduction psychotherapy as a treatment for substance abuse disorders. I feel harm reduction represents a new, but timeless, way of approaching substance abuse in order to help people where they live, by recognizing and addressing the multitude of their problems, and by accepting all progress as beneficial and something to be built upon.
This premise is predicated on the hypothesis that music plays an independent and important role within scripture itself; that is to be an elevated carrier for liturgy and prayer, the use of which is mandated by God for corporate worship. Both corporate worship and individual faith would suffer if music were removed. As an act of worshipping obedience, and a way of more readily understanding and relating to God, we will examine