According to the information in chapter two of Critical Thinking: Tools for Taking Charge of Your Learning and Your Life, I seem to relate most to the role of a stage four “Practicing Thinker.” In this role, I am always trying to improve and enhance my way of thinking. I search for new innovative to expand my range of thinking and work hard to improve where I lack strength in thinking critically. One thing I'm in the process of developing to advance towards the next level of thinking is planning. In making a plan, I would be constructing a schedule that makes time for everything, including critical thinking. I want to make some time to challenge myself and study harder while also making time for myself. Additionally, I took the egocentric quiz
This Critical Thinking Assignment focuses on using the Systemctl, runlevel, and init commands that were discussed in this week’s classroom materials. Following the steps in this assignment will demonstrate how these commands can be used from the shell prompt of Linux to manage the boot process and restart options of a test Linux virtual machine (VM). This report will document the process of completing each step and include screenshots where applicable to demonstrate the results of each step.
Some of the feedback that I have heard from employees while conducting personal interviews as well as online postings on Glassdoor have revealed that many employees are dissatisfied with their supervisors. Employees have described many of their supervisors as possessing the traits of the Theory X mental model. Employees have reported to me in-person and on Glassdoor that they feel as though supervisors treat them as disposable resources at times. Employees have mentioned that their supervisors demand that all mail be delivered before employees can go home. It has been reported that some supervisors assume that employees will not want to deliver all or a majority of the mail in their Long Life Vehicles in a timely manner.
Critical thinking is making well thought out logical decisions. You don’t have to accept everything just have an open mind about it. It is trying to understand something even when you are skeptical or don’t really believe it. You have to ask questions and try to come up with different conclusions than what you originally had or thought. Some of my questions that I have had from reading these past couple weeks would be; “What does it all mean?” “What is he trying to say?” and “How did he end up with that conclusion?” Using the Socratic Method, like Socrates did in his life, will ensure that we come up with different arguments to
We are on week four, time is going by fast. I Just got home and went strait to my office, I want to get the class started, I am happy about my graded test last week I did well.
The memorandum from Salvador Monella to the Board of Directors addresses the rising costs of employee healthcare benefits at Penn-Mart. His communication includes an explanation of his purpose in addressing the healthcare costs, findings regarding Penn-Mart’s benefits costs, a recommended program to implement for cost reduction, and a discussion containing support for their recommendation. While some business people may be tempted to simply accept the information presented in Mr. Monella’s memorandum, it is my opinion, after reading Browne and Keeley’s Asking the Right Questions (2012), that adopting a critical thinking approach is the most effective way to evaluate the document.
Self- esteem is used to describe a person's overall sense of self- worth or personal value.
The main point of Hydroxycut is to help loose weight in a fast amount of time just like every woman wants diamonds, I think that everyone wants that youthful looking body back as well. We all want the energy that we had as a youth and the metabolism as well so that we can eat whatever
My mother and I is quite similar to one another, except with connection. Mom likes to be surrounded by her family, close friends and dependent on others. The contrast, I am independent but I do like being close to my family and friends.
Is it socially acceptable behaviour for people to dedicate their lives to an object? Sure, one might say. People have passions and hobbies; these “objects” are worked hard for and should be enjoyed. Although most would say that this type of behaviour is not how normal people should live and that life’s fruition lies in the hands of social interaction; we can only truly enjoy life in the company of other humans, not objects. Where is the line drawn? Is it possible to cling on to a possession so much that it starts to detrimentally affect the person involved? W.D. Valgardson’s short story The Novice demonstrates that this is certainly a possibility. The protagonist undergoes a similar situation; he gets caught up in idealism (glamorizing
In Chapter 3, there were 12 areas of bias spread across the 3 areas of heuristics. The main theme of the text was to prove that we are predisposed to certain outcomes. As we make important decisions we rely on our memory, or a number of past events, or even ignoring facts. Overall, we are biased in many ways when it comes to making decisions, or predicting outcomes of a particular event.
While the media might not directly contribute to discrimination, the media is undoubtedly a significant aspect of modern day society that influences how people think about racial issues (Royce, 2009, p. 1, 17). Many people claim that racism no longer exists; however, the minorities’ struggle with injustice is ubiquitous. Whites are attempting to keep blacks and other minority families locked into an impoverished political and economic position by using various tactics to isolate them, such as mass incarceration that stems from the War on Drugs. The New Jim Crow helps us in seeing how history is repeating itself and how to legalized discrimination among the blacks and Hispanics by implementing the mass incarceration.
Over the course of the last six weeks, I have come to realize that critical thinking is an important asset as I continue my journey in life. I have found this course to be both challenging and rewarding. Most importantly, I find myself viewing problems and conversations in a completely different light. While I would not consider myself an expert at critical thinking, I would assess myself in as a Beginner Thinker. Paul and Elder point out in the beginning thinker stage an individual actively begins to take command of their thinking process across multiple facets of their life (Paul and Elder, 2012). Furthermore, we recognize that there are problems in the way we think and begin to consciously attempt to better understand we can improve our thinking.
1.A visiting American executive finds that a foreign subsidiary in a poor nation has hired a 12-year old girl to work on a factory floor, in violation of the company’s prohibition on child labor. He tells the local manager to replace the child and tell her to go back to school. The local manager tells the American executive that the child is an orphan with no other means of support, and she will probably become a street child if she is denied work. What should the American executive do?[/b]
After doing the workspace assessment, the assessment gave me clear insight on the way of thinking and my process of critical thinking. Critical thinking can be viewed differently but in my perspective, critical thinking gives me different aspect of thinking and helps me formulate a great conclusion while thinking outside the box. My current level of critical-thinking development I would have to say is a Beginning thinker. Reason being, I’ve done critical thinking before but I haven’t really practice critical thinking on a daily basis. The more I involve thinking critically daily, the more I will polish that skill and become an excellent critical
There are three ways that were believed to be true on how people have perceived life. First is being optimistic. There are people who think their life is the best life in the world. They have believed that good thingd would happen in the future. Also, the way they look at things is very positive and they are very cheerful and there are no dull moments. For instance, if a person have an F grade in prelims, he will look on the brighter side and thinks that he can still recover on midterms. Second is living pessimistically. The absence of optimism, best describes pessimism. They are the ones who see life a place like hell. They are kind of people who show a lack of hope for the future and likely to expect bad things will happen. Unlike optimism,