
Stages Of Domestic Violence

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To address and decrease domestic violence occurring, professionals have recognized some preventative measures that include identifying factors that predispose a victim to abuse. Witnessing domestic violence as a child illustrates inappropriate behaviors that the child will learn is acceptable, normal and inevitable. When a mother is subjected to violence in front of her daughter, they internalize these behaviors of her attacker and learn to mimic the submissive, beaten down condition of her mother. In some cases, children have also been found to seek out similar relationships in adulthood that mirror the characteristics of the abuser in their household while growing up. A study conducted by The College Student Journal analyzed aspects of father-daughter …show more content…

Each phase may differ in length and the level of violence may increase over time. Most victims report that their partner was not abusive in the beginning stages of their relationship but slowly progressed to be so. A population-based survey collected data from women who have suffered from DV (domestic violence) to track the characteristics of the cycle. The repetitive cycle is generally classified into three distinct stages; a tension building phase, an episode of violence and a “honeymoon” phase (Figure 1: Domestic violence against women cycle). The first few tension building stages will appear subtle and minor, such as breaking down a victim's self-worth, passive aggressive insults and creating unnecessary conflict. These tactics are used by the abuser to manipulate the woman into doubting herself and believing false realities created by the abuser. Eventually, the tension will continue to build until a breaking point is reached and an "episode" occurs. The episode of violence stage may not even be violent at all. This stage is classified by any severe physical, emotional or psychological attack on the victim at the peak of the tension building phase. The next step, the honeymoon phase, is the key aspect of the cycle because it allows for the abuser to regain power over the victim. The abuser will be sincerely apologetic, with empty promises to never harm her again. Without this stage, there would be no cycle, and the victim would have no reason to remain in the relationship. The slow progression of these unhealthy aspects of a relationship allows for the abuser to manipulate and control the victim to stay in the

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