
Stages of Learning and Information Processing Theory

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Basketball Research Report
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Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction 2
2.0 Stages of Learning 2/3
3.0 Information Processing Theory 3
4.0 Feedback 4
5.0 Conclusion 4
6.0 Appendices 5/6
7.0 Reference List 7

1.0 Introduction
Motor learning, particularly in the early stages of learning a skill, involves attempts by learners to acquire an idea of the movement, (Gentile, 1972) or understand the basic pattern of coordination (Newell, 1985). To achieve these goals, learners must acknowledge; the way their muscles work together, the subroutines of a skill, their individual practical learning process, and the way the human brain processes information. Basketball is a team …show more content…

Image 4 further shows how I’ve thrown the ball to the hoop using two hands instead of one. My weight continues to be back, and I’m further unbalanced as I land with two feet pressed together. The outcome of my lay-up can be seen in image 5 as the ball travels over the top of the backboard instead of rebounding off the top corner of the square, into the hoop. The outcome of my lay-up is reflective of my inability to perform each subroutine effectively and without error, resulting in the performance of a Cognitive stage learner.

3.0 Information Processing Theory
There are many different models that define the Information Processing Theory, all of which describe how we think critically. Welford’s model (Welford, 1968) suggests that we take in information through our senses and temporarily store all of these inputs prior to sorting them out. (Figure 1) A decision is made by comparing the information in the short-term memory with previous experiences stored in the long-term memory. The first stage in the information-processing model is called ‘stimulus identification’ (see figure 1). The person starts off by detecting the stimulus, such as seeing the basketball approach them from a chest pass. The next stage is the initiation of their response. The action of catching the ball and deciding what to do from their current position comes into play in this section of the model. If the action of a lay-up is chosen, they will then complete the movement and organise the

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