
Stalin Vs Truman

Decent Essays

The United States and the Soviet Union emerged from World War II as the "superpowers" with vastly different systems. The superpowers also had two different ambitions for the future. These differences created a climate of icy tension that plunged the two countries into bitter rivalry. In this essay I will be discussing what Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union and Harry Truman of the United States wanted for post war Europe. Firstly, I will look at what the leaders wanted economically. Next, ideologically and politically. Then, finally religiously.
The US and the Soviet Union had two diverse economic views. Previously, at the Yalta conference of 1945, the Soviets wanted to take amends from Germany zones they occupied to help with war losses. However, …show more content…

During Joseph's leadership he had a complex relationship with religion, he held on to atheism and continued to rule by it. Stalin once said, " You know, they are fooling us, there is no God… all this talk about God is sheer nonsense." (hollowverse, n.d.) However during WW II Stalin eased up on religions, opened churches and tolerated Muslims, and that is said what he ruled by post-war. Even though he is a true atheist at heart. On the other hand, Truman revived the idea of a global religious campaign in 1951. At least, he hoped that the major religions around the world would agree to a global conference where they would agree to peace amongst them. At maximum, he wanted to end communism through religion which would give people what he called truth and freedom. (hauensteincenter, n.d.)
We can never know with total certainty what Joseph Stalin or Harry Truman envisioned for the future of their countries and for the continent of Europe, not economically or politically or ideologically not even religiously, and there is no question that they suffered from a deep sense of fear from the opposite country, regardless of the agreements made at the Yalta and Potsdam Conferences in 1945. However, these differences listed above eventually led to the cold war. Many people say that the cold war was inevitable but was it really or was there a point where it

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